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Your offer will hold good for a week, right?

Your objective is not to “collect data. 你的研究目的不是简单的收集数据。
Your obscure procedure has secured the immeasurable treasure and ensures the leisure enclosure of any possible exposure. 你们模糊不清的程序将保证会得到无数的珍宝,并将轻松地保证不含有任何曝光的可能。
Your occasional sighs are the innegligible contents in the breeze of that night, which is like minor stream flowing over me from top to toe. 你偶尔的叹息是那晚的微风中最不可忽略的内涵,那好似小小的溪流,完完全全地淌入我的生命。
Your offer can not be evaluated without proper samples, so we would appreciate your earliest despatch of related samples. 无合适样品的发盘视为无效,请贵方尽快寄送样品/恭候贵方尽早寄送样品。
Your offer is wider than we can consider. 你的出价比我们想象的要多。
Your offer will hold good for a week, right? 你方报盘一周内适用,对吗?
Your offering will be reckoned to you as grain from the threshing floor or juice from the winepress. 27这举祭要算为你们场上的谷,又如满酒榨的酒。
Your official title is Accounting Clerk. 你正式的职称是会计事务员。
Your old lives, your mortal desires, mean nothing. 你那衰老的生命,你那凡人的渴望,什么都不是!
Your only fault is carelessness. 你惟一的缺点是粗心大意。
Your only hope is to find the Sisters of Fate, and travel back through time, to the moment Zeus betrayed you. 你唯一的希望是找到命运三姐妹,时光逆流到宙斯背叛你的那个时刻。

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