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Australia's per capita income is now ranked eighth in the world.

Australia's carrier, the Melbourne, has been scrapped. 从澳大利亚购来的航空母舰“墨尔本”已被拆除了。
Australia's environment fluctuates enormously from year to year. 澳大利亚环境巨大的波动年复一年的。
Australia's ex-prime minister Mr. Paul Keating, the consul of Chinese embassy in Australia Mr. LIAO Hongzhi met the members of Guangzhou Acrobat Group. (一)前澳大利亚总理基廷先生、中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚悉尼领事廖志洪先生接见赴澳演出的中国广州杂技团团员。
Australia's financial circles are abuzz this morning as the market digests the possibility of one of Australia's iconic companies being swallowed up by an American giant in the biggest takeover bid in Australia's corporate history. 今早,正当市场谣传出一间澳大利亚形象公司将在一场澳洲史上最大宗收购交易上被美国巨人并吞的可能性时,引起澳洲金融圈一阵哗然。
Australia's oldest academic institution, the University of Sydney, has moved to stamp out plagiarism after more than 200 students were suspected of cheating. 日前,澳大利亚历史最悠久的学府——悉尼大学的校方开始对200多名涉嫌剽窃他人学术论文的学生进行查处。
Australia's per capita income is now ranked eighth in the world. 澳大利亚的人均收入现在在全球排名第8。
Australia's power utilities are revamping their power distribution networks and placing an estimated three out of every four orders for secondary distribution switchgear with ABB. 许多澳大利亚发电厂正在修补他们的配电网络,而且预计ABB的二级配电开关柜占了安装订单的四分之三。
Australia's rapid ascent from niche wine producer at the bottom of the world 20 years ago to the fourth-largest wine exporter has been astounding. 20年前,澳大利亚的葡萄酒还位居全球之末,仅以—些特种葡萄酒见长,如今—跃成为全球第四大葡萄酒出口国,这是`—个可圈可点的变化。
Australia's reputation as a nation of laid-back, laconic types who like to take a day or two off is ill-founded. If anything we tend to work too hard. 澳大利亚给人的形象是,整个国家的人民生活懒散,说话用词简短粗鲁,经常喜欢一两天的假,这样的说法是无中生有。要真要个说法的话,那是我们平时太勤劳了。
Australia's trade minister, WT said the Washington and Brussels should not be expected to make all the concessions. 澳大利亚外交部长WT称不能指望华盛顿和布鲁塞尔做出所有的妥协。
Australia's trade minister, Warren Truss, says Washington and Brussels should not be expected to make all the concessions. 澳大利亚贸易部长沃伦·特拉斯则认为,华盛顿和布鲁塞尔方面不能指望占尽所有便宜。

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