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Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is a rare vascular tumor of low-to intermediate-grade malignancy that occurs in the liver and other organs.

Epistolary literal theories in the Ming Dynasty were large in quantity, rich in content, profound in problem consciousness, and flexible in form, thus were a key channel for the various literary schools to spread their ideas. 明代文人书信体文论数量多,内容涉及面广,问题意识突出,形式灵活多变,成为明代众多文学流派传播文学观点的重要途径。
Epistolary literal theory is an important form of literal theories in the history of literary criticism in China. 摘要书信体文论是中国文学批评史上一种重要的文论形式。
Epitaph: a belated advertisement for a line of goods that has permanently discontinued. 墓志铭——是一则已经永久断市的货物的过时广告。
Epitaxy : Concerns / constraints — lattice-matched systems; strained layers (pseudomorphic) — limits of thickness; impact of strain on bands, properties. 7磊晶:关键与限制-晶格匹配之材料系统;应变层(假晶)-厚度上限;应力对能带的影响,特性。
Epithelial polyps of the urethra in adults are uncommon lesions. 摘要成人尿道上皮息肉是一种少见的疾病。
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is a rare vascular tumor of low-to intermediate-grade malignancy that occurs in the liver and other organs. 摘要上皮状血管内皮瘤是一种罕见的低至中度恶性血管肿瘤,可发现于肝脏及其他器官。
Epitomize the general idea ,the depict way of the text. 概括本文的大意和描写方法。
Epitropic fibre has excellent resistance to reducing agents. 导电纤维具有卓越的抗还原剂性能。
Epitropic fibre is necessary in fabrics for industrial filters and safety workwear. 在工业过滤和安全工作服装织物中导电纤维的含量必须达到2%-5%。
Epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill. 罗斯福和邱吉尔做出的有重大意义的决定
Epoxidation of arylzinc species formed in situ from diethylzinc and a series of arylboronic acids with α, β-unsaturated ketones was investigated. 乙基锌和芳基硼酸原位制备的芳基锌与α,β-不饱和酮进行环氧化反应。

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