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For instance, a number of investigations achieved remarkable extensions of life span in nematode worms by mutating genes similar to those involved in molecular responses to insulin in mammals.

For instance, ZEDs surpass EcoHomes Excellent, have a SAP equivalent of 150 (cf. the maximum SAP2001 value of 120), and exceed energy conservation building regulations. 比如,零能耗开发超过生态住宅的优秀等级,其SAP相当于150(SAP2001的最大值为120),并高于能源消耗建筑规范要求。
For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed documentary about spaghetti farmersand how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. 例如,一部曾经在愚人节放映的英国短片名叫“面条农夫”,描述的是农夫们是如何从面条树上收割庄稼的。
For instance, a colonoscope is used to detect growths inside the colon, and a laparoscope is used to examine the abdominal cavity. 例如,结肠镜被用于检查结肠,腹腔镜被用于检查腹腔。
For instance, a manipulative or autocratic style would be best suited for cultures with high power distance, such as Arab, Far Eastern, and Latin countries. 下属的民族文化也会影响领导者风格的选择,例如,对于具有强权政策背景的文化象阿拉伯和中东拉丁民族地区,往往采用操纵和独裁的风格比较好。
For instance, a mixture of substances in solution is passed slowly down a long column packed with alumina. 例如,溶液中的混合物质缓慢的通过装满氧化铝的柱体。
For instance, a number of investigations achieved remarkable extensions of life span in nematode worms by mutating genes similar to those involved in molecular responses to insulin in mammals. 举例来说,有些研究人员在改变线虫身上、与哺乳动物胰岛素所产生的分子反应类似的相关基因之后,大大延长了线虫的寿命。
For instance, a pair of mobiles each with 2 Watts of transmitter output will take three minutes to boil a large free range egg. 例如,一对两瓦特的手机的辐射可以在3分钟之后煮熟一个鸡蛋。
For instance, a particle at the outer edge of Saturn's B ring is in a 2: 1 resonance with Mimas, meaning that it goes around the planet precisely twice for each lap the satellite completes. 例如,土星B环外缘的粒子与土卫一周期成2:1共振,意思是粒子每绕行星两圈,卫星刚好绕一圈。
For instance, a psionic helm of telepathy functions exactly as the magic item of that name, except that all its powers are psionic rather than magical in nature. 例如,一个灵能“心灵感应头盔”的功能完全和同名魔法物品相同,除了实质上它的能力是灵能的而非魔法的。
For instance, a subject is told There are many trees in the park” and is asked to say what number the word many mean to him. 比如:告诉一个被测试者“某公园里有许多树”,然后问他“许多”一词在他看来应该指多少。
For instance, a subjective attitude of anger is directly expressed in the face-to-face situation by a variety of bodily indices – facial mien , general stance of body , specific movements of arm and feet. 举例来说,在面对面情境中,愤怒的主观态度可以由若干身体姿态直接表现,像脸部的表情、身体的一般姿势、特定手足的动作等。

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