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But, while she said it, Pearl laughed, and began to dance up and down, with the humorsome gesticulation of a little imp, whose next freak might be to fly up the chimney.

But, what specifically is involved in this type of cosmetic surgery? If you are considering a face lift, it’s essential for you to first learn all the facts and everything you can about face lifts—from books, brochures, and online resources to face lift s 但是,什么是专门从事这类整容?如果你正考虑面对电梯它的必不可少的,你首先要了解事实的全部,一切你能面对约升降机,从书籍,手册,网上资源,以面部除皱手术病人,你的医生,整型外科.
But, when Mikey stumbles on a treasure map of the famed One-EyedWilly's hidden fortune, he, his brother, and a few friends set out on a quest to find the riches in hopes to save their homes. 不料一对通缉犯的母子也追踪而至,要抢夺海盗船上的宝藏,于是发生了一连串惊险刺激的遭遇。
But, when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found me. 17反倒在罗马的时候,殷勤的找我,并且找着了。
But, when it was it unrolled, both Nobunaga and his retainer were astounded to find that there was no picture at all-nothing but a blank surface. 但是,当它被打开时,信长和侍从都吓坏了;因为上面根本没有图画──除了空白的表面外,什麽也没有。
But, when you bring the racquet straight back to the low point you have gained zero miles per hour. 记得保持打击肩膀放松,因此网拍将降下和掉到足够低处.
But, while she said it, Pearl laughed, and began to dance up and down, with the humorsome gesticulation of a little imp, whose next freak might be to fly up the chimney. 珠儿边说边放声笑着,并且用小妖精的那种调皮样子蹦蹦跳跳着,她的下一步想入非非的行动可能是从烟囱中飞出去。
But, while the adoration of the armpit had its consolations for the adored, Harriet really didn't like the way that Jack's ragged fingernail cut into her flesh. 但,在腋窝崇拜有那么丁点儿安慰作用的同时,哈莉特真是不喜欢杰克将破损的指甲划入她肉里的举动。
But, while you wait, your firm might go bust. 然而,当你等待的时候,你的公司或许已经垮掉。
But, why come to Earth in the first place? 但是,首先为什么要到地球来呢?
But, with about 2,000 thunderstorms taking place above the earth every minute of the day and night, there's enough activity to produce about 100 lightning strikes on earth every second. 但是,由于在地球上空每分钟产生大约2,000次雷雨现象,就有足够的天气活动使地上每秒钟发生大约100次闪电。
But, with more codons than amino acids, many amino acids have more than one codon to describe them. 由于基码的数量比氨基酸多,许多氨基酸有超过一个基码来表述它们。

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