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An 80-year-old man with Parkinson's disease developed intractable hiccups when his existing levodopa/carbidopa dosage was increased to treat bradykinesia.

An integrated circuitmeans a product, in its final form or an intermediate form, in which the elements, at least one of which is an active element, and some or all of the interconnections are integrally formed in and/or on a piece of material and which is 集成电路指的是一件产品,在其最终形态或中间形态中,元件(至少有一件是有源元件)和一些或全部的连接是集成在材料中和/或上,以执行某种电子功能。
An 11-year-old girl watches her father come down with a crippling depression. Over one summer, she learns answers to several mysteries and comes to terms with love and loss. 一个11岁的亲眼目睹父亲由于受到沉重打击而处于崩溃,她在爱与失落之间徘徊,试图解开一系列神秘事件,改变这一切。
An 18-month-old girl's hand was cut off when it became caught in a conveyor belt at a chocolate factory she was touring with her family, officials said. 美国夏威夷有关部门日前表示,一名18个月大的女孩在和家人一起参观当地一家巧克力工厂时,左手不幸被一条传送带缠住,并被切掉。
An 18-month-old pug called Torres licked the competition to claim the crown of political top dog in the British parliament's dog of the year contest on Friday. 一条18个月大、擅长搞笑的英国哈巴狗日前战胜其他16条狗,夺得了2005年度英国“议会狗”的称号。
An 18th century bridge over the gorge joins the old and new sides of the town. 一座建于18世纪的旧桥横跨峡谷连接新旧城两区。
An 80-year-old man with Parkinson's disease developed intractable hiccups when his existing levodopa/carbidopa dosage was increased to treat bradykinesia. 1例患帕金森氏病的80岁男性使用左旋多巴/卡比多巴治疗运动迟缓,在增加剂量时出现顽固性呃逆。
An 81-year-old male with early-stage laryngeal carcinoma had been treated with 60Gy curative radiotherapy. 摘要一位81岁早期喉癌男性曾经接受60格雷剂量的治疗性放射线疗法。
An 82-year-old Australian cartoonist who was expert at doing high-speed sketches of sports participants was able to do a quick drawing of a man who robbed his home. 一位82岁的擅长快速素描的澳大利亚漫画家经常为赛场上的运动员作画。
An 82-year-oldAustralian cartoonist who was expert at doinghigh-speed sketches ofsports participants was able to do a quickdrawing of a man whorobbed his home. Police used it to arrest theburglar. 2006年奇闻怪事大集锦3-一位82岁的擅长快速素描的澳大利亚漫画家经常为赛场上的运动员作画。他画下了夜间入室抢劫的罪犯嘴脸,警察凭借素描抓到了罪犯。
An 84-year-old retired stockbroker was admitted to our hospital's intensive-care unit, suffering from a peptic ulcer and shock from internal hemorrhage. 我们医院的特护部收治了一位84岁的退休证券经纪人,他患有胃溃疡,引发内出血而休克。
An 840-pound Mexican man has left his home for the first time in five years. 一名体重840英镑的墨西哥男子五年来首次走出家门。

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