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Approaches vary with cause and age.

Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon. 对爱情和烹调都一样不能轻言放弃。
Approach number 2: We don't care. 可能性2:我们漠不关心。
Approach the soft palate with the root of your tongue, with a narrow chink left; pronounce with the breath squeeze out of the chink. 发音时,舌根接近软腭,中间留有窄缝,气流从窄缝中挤出而发声。
Approaches to cultivating career women's competence of interpersonal communication involve instructive ways such as to get familiar with the connotation and the basic principles of interpersonal communication, to appeal or repel others socially, and to cu 了解人际交往的内涵;掌握人际交往的基本原则;运用交际中的吸引与排斥;培养与他人沟通的能力都是培养职业女性人际交往能力的途径。
Approaches to the calcaneus are carried out most easily with the patient prone. 跟骨的手术显露在病人俯卧时最为方便。
Approaches vary with cause and age. 所用方法因哭闹原因和小儿年龄而异。
Approaching Nanking on December 3 the Japanese Army 16th Dimwsion 9th Regument marched along the railroad between Changzhou and Danyang. 12月3日,日军第十六师团第九联队沿着常州和丹阳之间的铁路向南京逼近。
Approaching again, Sandy offered, Would you like me to be your friend? 珊又走过去问:“你愿意我成为你的朋友吗?”
Approaching from the perspective of cultural science, musicology, and aesthetic psychology in combination with the cultural background of the Song Dynasty, this paper makes a detailed and profound classification and analysis of the audial images of flute 本文从文化、音乐、审美心理等视角,结合宋代的社会背景,对于宋词内大量出现的笛声听觉意象进行细致深入的分类、剖析,揭示其丰富的文化意蕴、内容指向和艺术魅力。
Approaching the camp up a rutted, dusty track, the place at first seemed deserted with the heat still enough to create mirages and haze even in the supposedly cooler temperatures of early autumn. 沿着一条步满车辙的土路走近难民营,这里乍看上去了无人迹,除了在这本该凉爽的初秋时节里依旧足以激起蜃景和雾气的热浪.
Approaching the glide path, standby for losing altitude. 进入下滑道,等待消失高度。

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