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Along with the development of individuation requirements, the industrial aesthetics design of products has increasingly been come under recognition.

Along with the continuously go deep into of the research, the function mechanism of the nucleic acid vaccine also at was constantly clarified. 随着研究的不断深入,核酸疫苗的作用机制也在不断地被阐明。
Along with the developement of the internet, many moral issues surged up, including political, pornographic, pirating and criminal problems. 随着网络的发展,很多有关网络道德问题也随之出现,其中包括反动、色情、病毒、盗版、犯罪等现象。
Along with the development and innovation of techniques, series of blue, yellow porcelain products of Fugui Hongare derived with changeful ceramic types, such as square, calabash, bright red persimmon and other unique types. 随着技艺的开发与创新,“富贵红”又衍生出蓝、黄等系列瓷品,器型上也变化多端,有方瓶、葫芦瓶、大红柿瓶等别致造型。
Along with the development of HKST and Riselm, KCICE will affirmably keep going forward and take on a new and brilliant future. 开创国际将与学联和瑞晟一起成长,不断进取的,在学联旅游的大力支持下将瑞晟的“锐力呈现,生生不息”的理念更加缤纷地演绎。
Along with the development of computer technology and information-processing technology, the quantitative assessing technology for mineral resources has some new trends recently, such as integration, modeling, quantification, visualization, dynamic analys 矿産资源预测与定量评价是涉及多层次、多因素的综合决策问题,已经发展和应用了许多方法和技术来进行这方面的研究。
Along with the development of individuation requirements, the industrial aesthetics design of products has increasingly been come under recognition. 摘要随着个性化需求的发展,产品的工业美学设计愈加受到重视。
Along with the development of international trade and shipping, the delivery of goods without straight hill of lading has become more and more popular. 摘要随着国际贸易与航运的发展,记名提单无单放货的现象越来越普遍。
Along with the development of nuclear power technology in china, it is necessary to develop the fast breeder reactor (fast reactor) through own efforts. 摘要随着我国核电技术的发展,自主研制钠冷快中子增殖堆十分必要。
Along with the development of our society, their economic position and living standard have got obvious improvement, but their political living standard, especially political-participating condition, is not very optimistic. 随着我国社会的发展,虽然其经济地位和生活水平都有了明显的改善,但其政治生活水平,尤其是其政治参与状况却并不十分乐观。
Along with the development of privately operated enterprises, and the need for enhancing management benefit, the privately operated enterprises spontaneously carried out the internal auditing work. 随着民营企业的发展,基于提高自身经营活动的效益性需要,民营企业自发地开展了内部审计工作。
Along with the development of space technology, for continuing human being's civilization, how to divert the space objects from their orbit outside the earth before they land, and how to prevent the attack become the new mission for scientists. 随着太空科技的发展,为了延续人类社会的文明,如何在地球以外使天体偏离入侵地球的轨道,防范外天体的袭击成为了科学家的新命题。

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