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I h***e been pained by her manner this morning, and can't get the better of it.

I guessed she was right—our union was better than most—and resigned myself to stretches of slow-boil resentment and occasional 10)sarcasm. 我想她是对的——我们的婚姻生活比大多数配偶要好——我只能任凭心中的怨恨慢慢地沸腾,时不时对他施以冷嘲热讽罢了。
I guessed that he was a German. 我猜想他是个德国人。
I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. 我已指教你走智慧的道,引导你行正直的路。
I guide you to go to these places, or to the ocean, or to the mountains, to commune with me. 我指导你去这些地方,或者去海洋,或者去山脉,与我联系。
I h***e a good time from morning till night. 我每天从早到晚日子过得轻松愉快。
I h***e been pained by her manner this morning, and can't get the better of it. 她今天早晨的态度使我感到痛苦,我不能平静下去。
I h***e got a theatre pass. 我弄到了一张戏院入场券。
I h***e passed the deserts and h***e already seen the maritime empire. 我已经越过了沙漠,并且见到海洋国了。
I h***e sung the songs of thy day Runescape gp. 我已经唱过了您的白天的歌。
I hacked into the school computer and changed all my grades.Then the school hacked into my computer and deleted all my games. 我黑了学校的电脑改了我所有的成绩。就在那个时候学校也黑了我的电脑把我所有游戏给删了。
I had find the passage back, 我必须找到来时的路,

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