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The amount of non-cash donations or contributions which is deducted from the gross consolidated income in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act and other laws.

The amount of money of deduction input is greater than the actual value , operate is cancel. 输入的扣除金额大于实际金额,操作被取消。
The amount of mortgage loans to negative equity cases is also down - from $155 billion to $107 billion. 涉及负资产的未偿还贷款金额亦下跌,由1550亿元下跌至1070亿元。
The amount of nickel released from the euro coins was up to 30 times above a level regarded by scientists as the concentration threshold for reactivity to a single exposure. 实验结果表明,当人们手拿这种硬币时接触到的镍竟然比科学家实验得出的能够引起过敏反应的最低镍浓度高出30倍。
The amount of nitrogen fertilizer had been steadily increased along with the development of the indica-japonica cross varieties during the last 15 years. 过去15年中随着籼-粳杂交品种的发展,氮肥用量持续增长。
The amount of nitrogen needed will increase as yield increases. 随着产量增加,需氮量也要增加。
The amount of non-cash donations or contributions which is deducted from the gross consolidated income in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act and other laws. 四、依所得税法或其他法律规定于申报综合所得税时减除之非现金捐赠金额。
The amount of oil drawn to the surface of the bean increases proportionately to the length of roasting time. 从咖啡豆中提取出来的香味是与烘焙时间成正比的。
The amount of operating funds each department received depended on the achievements of the previous year and the plan for the upcoming one, as reported to the company. 每个部门获得的营运资金数目多少主要看部门提交给公司的前一年度表现报告和来年的工作计划。
The amount of physio's a club needs is largely dependant upon the size of their squad and obviously the length of their injury list. 俱乐部队医的数量很大程度上取决于阵容的大小,当然也明显与伤病名单的长度有关。
The amount of pleasure is not tied to the number of orgasms. One good orgasm might be the most pleasurable. 能获得多少性爱快感与性高潮的数量无关,一次美妙的性高潮也许就能给你最大的快感。
The amount of rainfall determines the size of the crop. 降雨量决定著收成的好坏。

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