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But Brit doesn't top our list because of her dubious child-care techniques or her uber annoying Matt Lauer interview.

But Billups was always most likely to re-sign with Detroit and he did. 但比卢普斯最可能和底特律续签,事实果然如此。
But Blair said Jackson attorney Robert Sanger called court officials to notify them that the 47-year-old entertainer would not be able to serve because he would no longer be living at Neverland full time. 但他表示,杰克逊的律师罗伯特·桑格已经打电话通知法庭人员,这位47岁的娱乐人物将不再履行这一义务,原因是他已不在“梦幻岛”居住。
But Boeing could not manage the ramp-up in production. 然而波音公司的产能无力应付需求。
But Brian soon found that these people had exceptional generosity. 印第安人的习俗是只要有人帮助了他们,他们必定要有所回报。
But Brighton's dispossessed parents are also worried by the same thing that worries parents all over the country: that if their school allows too many of the wrongtype of children in the door, Little Jeremy's performance will suffer. 但与全国各地的家长一样,布赖顿市那些失去择校权利的家长们也担心同样一个问题:如果学校允许过多的“坏”孩子入校,那么小杰里米的成绩将受到影响。
But Brit doesn't top our list because of her dubious child-care techniques or her uber annoying Matt Lauer interview. 《明星》杂志对她进行了这样的点评,“布兰妮是2006年当之无愧的‘话题女王’。
But Britain is caught up in a kerfuffle about an even more esoteric idea, and that threatens its hard-earned reputation for hard-headedness about the field. 然而,不列颠卷入了更加深奥的概念混乱,而且威胁到它的得来不易的,对于该领域的精明冷静的名声。
But British language scholar David Graddol says English will probably drop in dominance by the middle of this century to rank, after Chinese, about equally with Arabic, Hindi, and Urdu, a south-Asian tongue closely related to Hindi. 但是英国语言学家戴维·格雷德尔认为到本世纪中叶英语的主导地位很可能有所下降,位居汉语之后,与阿拉伯语、北印度语和乌尔都语(一种与北印度语十分相近的南亚语言)的地位相差不多。
But British media reported Saturday that the love affair was over. 但上周六英国媒体报道,这对情侣已分手。
But British secret service officials were aware of the ruse and i ued ce ors with a code-breaking guide to intercept them. 但英国安全部门人员识破了敌人的诡计,派遣解密专家对图案密码进行破解。
But British secret service officials were aware of the ruse and issued censors with a code-breaking guide to intercept them. 但英国安全部门人员识破了敌人的诡计,派遣解密专家对图案密码进行破解。

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