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The results of field observation showed that mucky clay in the shore slope of the wharfs was the stratum with the most obvious horizontal displacement and most of the pile heads close to the retaining walls inclined towards the land to different degrees,

The results of experimental investigation on heat transfer and fluid pressure drop of spirally fluted titanium-tubes for steam condensation are reported and analyzed. 摘要介绍了钛螺纹槽管传热及流动阻力的实验结果,并对结果进行了分析。
The results of experiments in Tamil Nadu (Table 3.) show that a treatment combination of incorporation of 12.5 t/ha of green manure, plant population of 5.0-8.0 lakh plants/ha and fertilizer application of 150-50-50 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha applied in 4 splits (e 泰米尔纳德的试验结果(表3)表明,12.5吨/公顷绿肥5.0~8.0×105蔸/公顷的密度及150-50-50公斤N-P2O5-K2O/公顷的施肥量(分别作基肥、分蘖肥、穗分化始期肥及抽穗肥四等分施用)这一组合获得最高水稻产量。
The results of experiments showed that spirally fluted titanium-tube are better choice on heat transfer enhancement for the miniaturization of naval steam condensers. 实验结果表明,钛螺纹槽管是实现冷凝器小型化较为理想的强化管管型。
The results of facial aesthetics were satisfactory in all patients. 无感染,无失败病例,外形满意。
The results of field data analysis indicate that the correlative dimension of time series of nature field is related to earth medium characteristics intently and qualitative reflect the characteristics of the distribution of electricity and construction o 实例分析表明,大地电磁场时间序列关联维数与地下介质特征密切相关,能定性地反映介质的电性分布与结构特征。
The results of field observation showed that mucky clay in the shore slope of the wharfs was the stratum with the most obvious horizontal displacement and most of the pile heads close to the retaining walls inclined towards the land to different degrees, 原型观测结果表明:码头岸坡内的淤泥质粘土层为水平位移最明显土层,靠近挡土墙的大部分桩顶都出现了不同程度的向陆侧倾斜,这与实际见到的桩端倾斜状况完全相符。
The results of finite element analysis including the latent heat show lower maximum temperature, smaller size of melting pool, and narrower heat affected zone compared with the analysis neglecting the latent heat. 考虑潜热的有限元模型分析结果和忽略潜热的计算结果比较,前者显示出较低的最高温度、较小的熔池範围和较窄的热影响域。
The results of flight test show that this multi-sensor integration technology can ensure the reliability of flight control system, and realization of a BVR (beyond the visual range) and high precision autonomous flight control. 通过飞行试验表明,多传感器的信息综合技术能够保证飞行控制系统工作的可靠性,实现超视距、高精确度自主飞行控制。
The results of forecast experiments show that the numerical model have fine forecast function, and that period of validity and accuracy of storm surge forecast depend on those of typhoon parameter prediction to a great extent. 预报结果表明本数值模式具有良好的预报功能,并指出其风暴潮预报时效和精度在很大程度上取决于热带气旋气象预报的时效和精度。
The results of his policy were remarkable. 他的政策取得了巨大的成果。
The results of lauryl sodium sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses (SDS-PAGE) of the aggregate precipitate and supernatant and the result of high-performance size-exclusion chromatography of the supernatant indicated that, by wrongly linked intermole 沉淀和上清液的不连续十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)和高效凝胶排阻层析分析结果表明,还原脲变性蛋白溶菌酶在稀释复性过程中除了能够复性成天然态蛋白溶菌酶分子外,还会形成可溶的蛋白溶菌酶分子二聚体和三聚体,二聚体和三聚体主要是靠分子间二硫键的错配连接而成的;可溶的蛋白溶菌酶分子二聚体之间通过非共价键相互作用而形成集聚体沉淀,而可溶的三聚体溶菌酶分子则仍处于复性液上清液中。

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