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A kind of crystalized sulfate of aluminium, water soluatable and a good astrigent; widely used in deodorant products. Can mixed with grapefruit extract, glycerin and demineralized water to make toners.

A kind of arithmetic of recursive least squares (RLS) method with forgetting factor combined with model matching of zero frequency was adopted to identify the object online. 采用了带遗忘因子的递推最小二乘和基于零频率的模型匹配的联合辨识算法对空调系统进行在线辨识。
A kind of automatic measuring instrument for 3-D river bed model topography is introduced. 摘要针对目前常用的电阻式地形仪存在的问题,介绍了一种新型的河床模型三维全自动地形仪。
A kind of biological visual information processing model composed of several different CNNs was proposed according to the principle of human rision generation in brain. 根据人类视觉的产生机制,提出了一种由多个细胞神经网络组成的生物视觉信息处理模型。
A kind of collectivity package which is realized automatically in high efficiency. 是实现无人化高效率的集体包装。
A kind of crank-slider mechanism with flexible counterweight was discussed in this paper. 摘要探讨一种具有柔性配重的曲柄滑块机构。
A kind of crystalized sulfate of aluminium, water soluatable and a good astrigent; widely used in deodorant products. Can mixed with grapefruit extract, glycerin and demineralized water to make toners. 是一种铝盐成、无色无味的晶状物质,可溶于水中,具有很好的收敛及止血功能,也具止汗功能,很多止汗剂也会添加明矾的成分.可加入葡萄柚萃取液、甘油、纯水做收歛水。
A kind of drainage material consisting of a white polypropylene channel-shaped core surrounded by a gray long-fiber hot-bonded non-woven filter fabric, with metal conductor inside for measuring the driven depth. 灰色长纤维热粘无纺布滤膜包裹(通过粘合)白色聚丙烯槽型芯板组成的排水材料,内装配金属电子导线用于测量打设深度。
A kind of driving mechanism of micro-robot utilizing the traction force produced by the rotation of screws was studied. 摘要研究一种利用螺旋旋转产生牵引力的微型机器人驱动机构。
A kind of flexible eight-link amplification mechanism bas been put forward, and the finite element analysts and theoretical calculation were conducted upon it. 提出一种柔性八杆放大机构,并对其进行有限元分析和理论计算。
A kind of flyflap, it's consisted of handle and flyflap head and has horsetail or nylon filament for catching and killing mosquito fixed on the flyflap head. 一种蚊甩子,其特征在于由甩柄和甩头组成,甩头上固装有用于捕杀蚊子的马尾或尼龙长丝。
A kind of gas flow vacuum baking technique is adopted in EAST PFCs. This baking system is designed, and a scenario of process control and remote supervision is presented. 摘要在EAST装置上采用气流烘烤技术实现了对真空室内部部件的真空烘烤。对烘烤系统进行了整体设计,给出了系统过程控制和远程监控的实现方案。

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