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“We've had a few slip-ups this season, but have the time to make up for it and continue to compete in every tournament,” insisted Gilardino.

“We're trying to get to the bottom of this and figure out what ha ened. Everybody is terribly concerned,” said Dave Kranz, a okesman for the California Farm Bureau Federation. “我们将彻底调查此事,找出问题的根源。人们对此非常关心,”加利福尼亚农业联盟署发言人大卫·克兰茨说。
“We're trying to get to the bottom of this and figure out what happened. Everybody is terribly concerned,” said Dave Kranz, a spokesman for the California Farm Bureau Federation. “我们将彻底调查此事,找出问题的根源。人们对此非常关心,”加利福尼亚农业联盟署发言人大卫·克兰茨说。
“We've been without players all season, especially recently,” Giggs added. “That's when the squad comes into play. “我们整个赛季都没有完整过,最近尤其如此,”吉格斯补充道,“然而也就是在最近,伤员们开始陆续回归。”
“We've got a model car race tomorrow, and I just bought a great model. How about we have a competition right now? 小亮说:“明天幼儿园要举行汽车模型比赛,我买了一个特别棒的,咱俩先比比?”
“We've got that ability to grind things out. “我们有能力将事情搞定。”
“We've had a few slip-ups this season, but have the time to make up for it and continue to compete in every tournament,” insisted Gilardino. “这个赛季我们犯了一些错误,但是我们还有时间来弥补,并在每项赛事中都全力以赴.”吉拉迪诺这样认为.
“We've had opening dinners before,” said the Shanghai artist Zhou Tiehai, sipping Chilean red wine, “but nothing quite like this until very recently. “我们之前已经举行了开幕晚宴,”上海艺术家周铁海抿了一口智利红酒说道,“但只在最近才有这样的阵容。”
“We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answer the storms, but who are you so silence? “我们,簌簌的叶,都应和着暴风雪,而你又是谁,如此沉默着?”
“We, the undersigned, believe that the new rules currently under consideration for Film Permits (Chapter 9, Title 43 of the City Rules of New York) will have an irrevocable impact on independent filmmakers and photographers and their ability to engage in “所有请愿签名者均认为,纽约市目前正在提案的城市管理条案中有关摄影活动的规定将对独立摄影师/制片者产生严重负面影响,有害于摄影者们在未来完成更多以纽约市为蓝本的摄影作品。”
“We, who were the tall pine of the forest, have become a feeble plant and need your protection” (Red Jacket). “我们,森林中的高大松树,已经变成虚弱无力的植物,需要你们的保护”(莱德·杰克特)。
“Web-surfing” is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. “上网”不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花,不能那样雅致,那样从容不迫,文质彬彬,那样温良恭俭让。

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