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True, it sits at a railway crossroads between the main north-south and east-west lines, a major asset in a country where most goods still are moved by train.

True, having financial stability does help a man find and keep a beautiful woman, but this is not the most important aspect. 的确,收入稳定有助于男人找到并套牢美女,但这并不是最重要的方面。
True, he had expected to stay only about three months, at the longest. 说真的,他本来打算最多呆3个月的。
True, if the animator has any spunk and artistic dignity, you can rest assured that he won't follow your specifications. 还要精确地说出在各种被打击的情况下,这个东东会怎样反应,还有怎样回复原状。
True, in bog-standard equities anyone with a few million dollars and smart programmers can set up a network and take on the exchanges (see article ). 确实,在普通的股票市场,只要有几百万美圆和聪明的程序编写员,谁都可以建立起一个网络来进军交易所市场。
True, in bog-standard equities anyone with a few million dollars and smart programmers can set up a network and take on the exchanges (see article). 确实,在普通的股票业,只要有几百万美圆和聪明的程序编写员,谁都可以建立起一个网络来进军交易所市场。
True, it sits at a railway crossroads between the main north-south and east-west lines, a major asset in a country where most goods still are moved by train. 的确有可能,因为这座城市位于南北和东西铁路主干线交界的地方,对于一个大多数货物都用火车运载的国家来说,这是一个主要的财富。
True, it takes a certain lack of inhibition to use this technique live, but hey, what do you care, right? 真的,禁止使用这种技术的体验会造成某些缺乏,但是嘿,你在乎什么,是吧?
True, the only bite in the WTO's ruling is the scope for reciprocal trade sanctions. 的确,世贸组织的这一裁决中,唯一有重大影响之处是相互贸易制裁的范围。
True, the rapid growth is taxing the district's capacity and stirring lots of complaints, but many other urban school districts would love to have too many rich white kids. 当然,学生的快速增长加重了该地区的负担,引发了不少抱怨,但许多其他的城市学区可是希望有钱的白人小孩越多越好。
True, there have been mistakes, but this is hardly avoidable, because we lack experience. 例句:至于错误,确实有,这也是难免的,因为我们缺少经验。
True, this battle ground may seem a little extreme for the groups to which you belong - but if you look beneath the veil of civility at the seething sarcasm, invective and innuendo, perhaps the picture come more into focus. 是的,你所在的这个团队看上去是有点偏激,但是你能够通过这些激烈的挖苦,漫骂和讽刺发现积极的一面,整个团队的轮廓逐渐清晰起来。

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