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16 The inclusion of this special coverage is at the buyer's cost.

16 Once you choose you way of life ,be brave to stick it out and never return . 生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢的走到底,决不回头。
16 Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. 波特知道自己想当推销员。
16 Representations and Warranties: We express no opinion as to the accuracy of any representation or warranty made in the Documents save insofar as any matters represented or warranted are the subject of a specific opinion in this letter and are matters o 声明和保证:对于文件中作出的任何声明或保证的准确性,我们概不发表任何意见,除非声明或保证的任何事项是本意见书中某一特定意见的讨论对象并且属于法律问题而非事实问题。
16 Richard J,Simons MD.Thyroid dysfunction in elderly hospitallized patients.Archives of Internal Medicine,1990,150(6):1249. 15屈婉莹.老年人常人甲状腺及非甲状腺疾病血清甲状腺激素含量的变化.中华老年医学杂志,1987,3:158.
16 Saito H,Inoue T,Fukatsu K,et al.Growth hormone and the immune response to bacterial infection〔J〕.Horm Res,1996,45:5054. 15陈华德,赖文,谢巨临,等.重组人生长激素在严重烧伤患者中的应用研究〔J〕.中华整形烧伤外科杂志,1999,15:214217.
16 The inclusion of this special coverage is at the buyer's cost. 这种特别险必须加付保险费。
16 The lake and river waters are as opaque as rainforest leaves; they are veils, blinds, painted screens. 湖水与河水都如热带雨林中的树叶那样乳浊;那水是面纱,是窗帘,是画屏。
16 The perpetually changing society bring us not only problems but also opportunities. 16不断变化着的社会不仅给我们带来了问题,也给我们带来了机会。
16 We are a group of 4. Please assign our seats together . 我们是私人团体,请把我们的座位安排在一起。
16 We have only one a day for New York. 到纽约的一天只有一班。
16 You can consult the files according to the alphabetic order. 你可以根据字母顺序查找这些文件.

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