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2 Mechanical volume control damper shall be available at each exhaust point to enable easy balancing.

2 Marian opened her mouth to tell them what she had done the night before and then she closed it on brioche, no words. 玛丽安张开嘴想告诉他们她前一天晚上做了什么,可是她咬了一口黄油点心把嘴闭上了,什么也没有说。
2 Maximum weight of the heaviest component (single member or composite panel) shall be 365 kg. 每个组件(单件或复合板)最大重量为365公斤。
2 May be either a double-cell signed number or a double-cell unsigned number depending on context. 依上下文2可以是一个双单元有号数或是一个双单元无号数.
2 Maybe it is time to reexamine our present values of life and try to figure out why life today becomes so difficult, and what can be done about it. 也许现在该是重新检查一下我们现在生活流行的价值观,弄清楚今天的生活为何变得如此艰难,以及该用什么办法加以解决的时候了。
2 Maybe it is time to reexamine our present valuess of life and try to figure out why life today becomes so difficult, and what can be done about it. 也许现在该是重新检查一下我们现在生活流行的价值观,弄清楚今天的生活为何变得如此艰难,以及该用什么办法加以解决的时候了。
2 Mechanical volume control damper shall be available at each exhaust point to enable easy balancing. 每个排气点上由机械控制阀门来保持气压平衡。
2 Membership is open to individuals or companies. 申请者可为个人或单位。
2 Mildly abnormal body use. Some minor peculiarities may be present, such as clumsiness, repetitive movements, poor coordination orr the rare appearance of more unusual movements. 轻度异常的肢体运用。可能呈现某些轻度的癖好,比如笨拙、重复动作、协调性差,或者较少程度地出现不寻常的动作。
2 Mildly abnormal fear orr nervousness. 轻微的异常。
2 Mildly abnormal imitation. The child imitates simple behaviors such as clapping orr single verbal sounds most of the time: occasionally, imitates only after prodding orr a delay. 轻度异常的模仿行为。孩子在很多时候能模仿简单的动作(比如拍手)或者简单的语音,偶尔只能在受激励的情况下才能做到,或者时间上有所延迟地做到。
2 Mildly abnormal verbal communication. Speech shows overall retardation. Most speech is meaningful; however, some echolalia orr pronoun reversal may occur. Some peculiar words orr jargon may be used occasionally. 轻度异常。语言发展表现出全面的滞后。大多数语言没有意义,存在仿说或者代词反用情况。偶尔出现怪异词句或者没有意义的话。

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