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Ohm The ohm is a unit of electrical resistance. One volt will cause a current of one ampere to flow through a resistance of one ohm.

Ohh! You're so wrapped up in layers, onion boy, you're afraid of your own feelings. 喔!洋葱男孩,你把自己层层包起来,只因为你害怕面对自己真正的感情!
Ohh..Spending all your money on me.. 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...
Ohio State University chemists and their colleagues in Germany used a special technique to watch strands of DNA in the laboratory sustain damage in real time. 俄亥俄州大学化学家及其在德国的同事使用一种特殊的仪器在实验室时实地观察到持续地受到损伤DNA链。
Ohio University says the graduates in many cases have agreed to rewrite their papers. 俄亥俄州州立大学说在大多数情况下他们的毕业生同意重写他们的论文。
Ohkubo's portraits are installed in the Arch C. Klumph Gallery on the 17th floor of Rotary International's World Headquarters. 大久保先生的画像悬挂于是国际扶轮世界总部17楼的阿奇?柯蓝夫展示馆。
Ohm The ohm is a unit of electrical resistance. One volt will cause a current of one ampere to flow through a resistance of one ohm. 欧姆欧姆是电阻单位。1伏特的电压通过1欧姆的电阻能产生1安培的电流。
Oh…God, what a mess here…ghost place, can not leave, no food…” Todd groan painfully. 幽灵城市,不能离开,还没有吃的…”托特已经开始痛苦的呻吟了。)
Oh, ALexander Grahahl Bell was showered with the praise of the world. Honors came to him from all the points of the compass. Yes, he would go on to other discoveries, many of them. But in his own view, he was most proud of his efforts to help the deaf. 啊,全世界的赞美如雨点般倾注下来,荣誉来自四面八方。是的,他后来继续做出发明,多项发明。但是他本人认为,他为帮助聋人所做的努力最使他自豪。
Oh, yes. People say there is a generation gap in the world today, but I don't think there is one in my family. 噢,是的。人们常说今天这个世界有代沟,但我认为我家没有。
Oh,It is gorgeous and elaborate,indeed. 嗬,真是华丽精致。
Oh,yeah. He really is the joker of the pack. 哦,是的。他真的很难捉摸。

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