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Of course, the shift from advocation of system and mechanism in management to that of emphasizing culture and value pursuit requires delicate and careful arrangement when devising systems and mechanisms, in order to promote the smooth transition from a ma

Of course, the physical laws governing the energy generation cycle holds still, but the equations seemingly meet with a singularity. 无疑,掌管著能量输出的物理定律仍然有效,方程组却遇上了无可解决的奇异点。
Of course, the planning as is referred to here differs fundamentally from the so-called planning under the planned economy. 宏观调控的主要任务,是保持经济总量平衡,抑制通货膨胀,促进重大经济结构优化,实现经济稳定增长。
Of course, the registration procedures still need to do by the club house staff as part of the Control for the Club House usage. 现时,会所入口已放置「请往接待处登记」之提示,而会所职员如发现有业户进入会所,亦会邀请到柜枱登记。
Of course, the sashimi must be the finest quality! 当然,生鱼片必须选质量最好的!
Of course, the second speaker does not mean he heard the news about John by putting his ear to a grapevine! 当然,第二个谈话者并不是说,他把耳朵贴在葡萄藤上才听到这个关于约翰的消息的!
Of course, the shift from advocation of system and mechanism in management to that of emphasizing culture and value pursuit requires delicate and careful arrangement when devising systems and mechanisms, in order to promote the smooth transition from a ma 当然,在学校从崇尚制度与机制的管理走向注重文化与价值追求的管理,需要人们在制度与机制设计时精心地加以安排,从而,有助于顺利地实现从依靠规范的管理走向超越规范的管理。
Of course, the solution is to upgrade all network hubs to a nonvulnerable version of the P2P software. 当然,解决方法是升级所有网络集线器到P2P软件的无缺陷版本。
Of course, the sooner you do this the better. 当然,行动得越早越好。
Of course, the storage and regeneration of the light is not perfect; the longer the pause, the more degraded the output pulse becomes. 当然,光的储存与再生并不完美;冻结的时间愈久,输出的光脉冲变得愈「退化」。
Of course, the unforgiving physics of orbital launch makes getting into space extremely difficult, no matter whether one goes big or small. 当然,不管是大是小,轨道发射必要的物理条件,使得进入太空非常困难。
Of course, the value of Berkshire may be either greater or less than the sum of these four parts. 当然,伯克希尔的总体价值可能会高于或低于四类业务价值之和。

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