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The researchers also found that memantine was able to dampen brain activity in some affected areas and reduce pain accordingly.

The researchers also analyzed biopsies that were taken from the distal duodenal mucosa and the stomach of 9 individuals in the control group and 4 pancreatic cancer patients to examine the spatial extent of the field effect. 研究者也分析9位对照组和4位胰腺癌患者的远端十二指肠粘膜和胃组织,来证实检查的有效范围。
The researchers also are looking into the possible role the gene plays in transforming healthy stem cells into cancerous ones, such as in leukemia and lymphomas. 研究者同样看到了基因在如白血病和淋巴瘤中正常干细胞转化为癌变干细胞的可能作用。
The researchers also are studying the pollen, honey, and wax that the bees produce. 研究人员也同时在研究花粉、蜂蜜以及由蜜蜂产生的蜡。
The researchers also examined levels of 5 particles in the air in 36 areas across the country.That information came from the Environmental Protection Agency.The extremely small particles come from industrial smoke and traffic along with things like wood b 研究人同时还对全国36个地方5种空气中颗粒的等级进行了检测.这些信息是来自环境保护局.那些极其小的微粒来自工业烟雾,交通和一些像房子里所烧的木头.研究表明,污染中每10微克的增长将会导致心血管病24%危险性的增加.
The researchers also found that higher BMI is associated with lower diastolic blood pressure, contrary to associations found previously in studies of adults. 研究人员也发现较高的BMI与较低的舒张压相联,这与先前在成人研究中发现的联系相反。
The researchers also found that memantine was able to dampen brain activity in some affected areas and reduce pain accordingly. 研究人员也发现美金刚胺能够抑制脑中受侵袭部位的活动从而减少疼痛。
The researchers also found that the nanofoams had numerous unpaired electrons, which require carbon atoms with fewer than four bonds. 研究人员同时发现,奈米泡沫有许多未成对的电子,因此它需要的是键结数低于四的碳原子。
The researchers also found that the relapse would occur sometimes in an area of the brain other than the site of the original attack. 观察者们还发现复发往往会出现在大脑区域而不是在先前的区域。
The researchers also monitored a control group of women during the study. 科学家在研究期间还监测了对照组女性的情况。
The researchers also report that overweight and obese women were more likely to have Pregnancy complications and C-sections than normal-weight women. 此外,研究人员称,体重超标和肥胖女性患妊娠期并发症及剖腹产的几率要比正常体重的女性大。
The researchers are performing tests. 图为研究人员进行检测。

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