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A syntype designated as the single name-bearing type specimen subsequent to the establishment of a nominal species or subspecies [Art. 74].

A synth-pop duo famed for its uniquely sleazy electronic sound, art students Marc Almond and Dave Ball formed Soft Cell in Leeds, England in 1980. 这是一支电子乐组合,一组廉价的电子音响设备,马克·阿尔蒙德和戴夫·波尔都是艺术生,他们俩于1980年在英国的利兹成立了“软细胞”组合。
A synthetic chemical resembling natural musk in odor or use. 合成麝香一种类似天然麝香的香味或者用途的人工合成的化学品
A synthetic evaluating model of radar equipment survivability is built in this paper. 如何有效地进行雷达装备战场生存能力评估,对雷达的研制及作战运用具有深远的影响。
A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell. 仿玳瑁模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品
A synthetic method of principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis is presented to evaluate and classify the regional logistics development in provincial logistics planning. 摘要提出利用主成分聚类分析的方法对省域物流规划中各地区的物流发展进行综合评价并分类。
A syntype designated as the single name-bearing type specimen subsequent to the establishment of a nominal species or subspecies [Art. 74]. 一个命名种或亚种建立之后,被指定为单一具名模式标本的一个总模式[第74条]。
A syrup, sauce, candy, or flavoring made by melting butter, brown sugar, and sometimes artificial flavorings. 奶油膏,奶油沙司,奶油硬糖由融化的奶油、黄糖,有时还有香精混合熬制的糖浆、沙司、糖块或调味品
A system and a method are directed to targeted graphical advertisements, which may involve identifying a graphical advertisement associated with an entity (e.g., advertiser); associating one or more concepts with the graphical advertisement; receiving a r 把一系统和一方法对准目标是图形的广告,其可以涉及辨认出的一图形的广告把和联系起来一实体((例如公告者);把一个或更多观念和图形的广告联系起来;得到一需求一个广告和一个观念交往;和送交,把图形的广告和观念联系起来在哪方面图形的广告安放为展示把建立在的基础上一地位在中间广告为观念地位把建立在的基础上至少一价格参数数额给予按照实体.
A system and proce of gathering and recording financial information that provides a continuous balance between a ets and liabilities. 收集和记录财务住处的制度和过程,并据此不断提供资产和负债之间的余额。
A system and process are provided for controlling congestion at a node o f an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) communications network. 用来控制一个非传输模式通讯网路拥塞状况的一个系以及程序之方法。
A system and process of gathering and recording financial information that provides a continuous balance between assets and liabilities. 收集和记录财务住处的制度和过程,并据此不断提供资产和负债之间的余额。

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