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Chinese placard translates which without English does not allow the existence at this forum (to be careful on your points:).

Chinese people tend to be slim, and obesity is a rare sight on the streets. 中国人通常都不胖,肥胖在这个国家是一个稀有现象。
Chinese people tend to keep their antipathy toward Japan bottled up, but anti-American sentiments are in full evidence, particularly on the Internet, and have become a source of considerable unease. 中国人倾向于隐藏他们对日本的憎恶,而反美的情绪则是明显的,特别是在互联网上,这已到了让人不安的地步。
Chinese people today, Yang Lan notes, want to watch shows that deal with problems they may experience in their own life, such as how to fit in the fast-changing society. 杨澜评论道,今天的中国人要看他们也许在自己的生活中经历过的那样的事情的节目,如怎样适应飞速变化的社会。
Chinese people, in general, know nothing about their society and are simply not interested in finding out. 中国人,总的来说,对自己的社会一无所知,也没有兴趣知道。
Chinese philosopher whose Analects contain a collection of his sayings and dialogues compiled by disciples after his death. 孔子:中国哲学家,其著作论语包含了他生前的学说和他死后由其门徒编纂而成的言论.
Chinese placard translates which without English does not allow the existence at this forum (to be careful on your points:). 无英译的汉语帖在本论坛是不允许存在的(当心积分哦~)。
Chinese plum flowers bloom in clod winter. 梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。
Chinese plum flowers bloom in cold winter. 梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。
Chinese plum flowers bloom in cold winters. 梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开.
Chinese police have detained two Communist Party officials in charge of a coal mine where at least 164 people died in an explosion Sunday. 中国警方拘留了星期天爆炸导致至少164人死亡的煤矿的两名负责人。
Chinese policy of investing offer preferential treatment for foreign invester . 中国的投资政策为外国投资者提供了优惠待遇。

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