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He made a job-hopping to work for a very famous computer company.

He made a ham sandwich. 他做了一个火腿三明治。
He made a hole and _glimpse through, could see jewellery, and other objects __put__ in piles in the shadows that extended _to_ the beam of light __to__ the interior. 他掏了个洞往里瞥去,能看见珠宝,在透进去的光线之外的阴影里面,还有些堆成堆的其他东西。
He made a job-hopping and went to a famous computer company. 他跳槽去了一个著名的计算机公司。
He made a job-hopping and went to a famouse computor company. 他跳槽去了一个著名的计算机公司。
He made a job-hopping to a famous computer company. 他跳槽去了一个著名的计算机公司。
He made a job-hopping to work for a very famous computer company. 他跳槽去了一个著名的计算机公司。
He made a journey from Paris to Berlin. 他作了一次从巴黎到柏林的旅行。
He made a judicious decision to save money for his old age. 他做了个明智的决定,要为他的晚年攒钱。
He made a living by hunting. 他靠打猎谋生。
He made a long speech only to show his foolishness. 他讲了一大通,结果只是显露了他的愚蠢。
He made a mark on the boat at once. 古代有个人坐船过河的时候宝剑掉进了水里。

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