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Effect of Tetrandrine on Nephron in Glomerularsclerosis Rats

Effect of Spermidine on B Type of Monoamine Oxidase and Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Primary Culture of Chick Embryo Brain Cells 亚精胺对原代培养的鸡胚脑细胞中B型单胺氧化酶及超氧化物歧化酶活性的影响
Effect of Substrate Negative Bias on Component Phases of Magnetron-Sputtering Ion Plated Aluminium Film of A Steel 基板负偏压对A 钢基体磁控溅射离子镀铝膜相组成的影响
Effect of Swimming Training on Natural Killer Cell Activity and Splenic Cell IL- Production in Trained Mice 运动训练对小鼠NK细胞杀伤功能和脾细胞IL-产生能力的影响
Effect of T_H-type/T_H type cytokines on endocrine functions of trophoblast and decidua in vitro T_H型/T_H型细胞因子对滋养层及蜕膜内分泌功能的影响
Effect of Temperature on Signal Wander in Optical Cable Digital Line Systems 环境温度变化对光缆数字线路系统中信号漂移的影响
Effect of Tetrandrine on Nephron in Glomerularsclerosis Rats 汉防己甲素对肾小球硬化大鼠肾单位的影响
Effect of TiO_ or Cr_O_ Additives on Mullite/ZrO_/Al_O_ Composite Ceramics 添加剂TiO_和Cr_O_ 对复合陶瓷Mullite/ZrO_/Al_O_ 的影响
Effect of Treating Cases of Leprous Plantar Ulcer 例麻风足底溃疡治疗小结
Effect of Tween-80 and H_O_ on oil degradation by Burkholderia cepacia Tween-80和H_O_对Burkholderia cepacia降解油脂的影响
Effect of Unilateral Mastication on the Remodeling of the Glenoid Fossae in Wistar Rats 偏侧咀嚼对大鼠颞骨关节窝改建的影响
Effect of Various Drugs to Prevent Calf Scours 几种防治犊牛下痢药物的效果比较

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