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Perhaps you remember your fifth-grade teacher pulling down a screen—or Dad hanging a sheet on the wall, ready to show visiting friends the enthralling account of your summer vacation at the shore.

Perhaps you judge Newsweek to be more informative than People but less entertaining. 也许你会想:比起《时人》,《新闻周刊》资讯较多,但娱乐性较低。
Perhaps you left your e-dictionary in the dorm. 可能你将电子词典忘在宿舍里了。
Perhaps you might chance on the dictionary at some old bookstall. 或许你会碰巧在旧书摊上买到这本辞典。
Perhaps you might like a silver carp soup. 也许你会喜欢鲫鱼汤。
Perhaps you oughtn't to generalize about that. 也许你不该对那事一概而论.
Perhaps you remember your fifth-grade teacher pulling down a screen—or Dad hanging a sheet on the wall, ready to show visiting friends the enthralling account of your summer vacation at the shore. 或许你还记得,小学五年级时老师把屏幕拉下来的情景,或是老爸把屏幕挂在墙上,准备让来访的朋友观看你们家夏日海滩假期的迷人影像。
Perhaps you see that the hospital would not have to think about gearing up syringes, but also managed to escape? 也许你看见医院那整装待发的针筒就不会这么想了,还能成功逃脱么?
Perhaps you should simply leave a contribution box to make it easy for your housemates to contribute a few pennies as they swipe your milk. 你或许可以简简单单地设立一个捐款箱,以便你的室友在偷喝你的牛奶时投进几个便士。
Perhaps you should try your best to sell yourself in an interview. 也许你应该尽全力在面试中把你自己推销出去。
Perhaps you will allow us the opportunity to substantiate the viability of our service. 或许你们能允许我们继续实现这些服务。
Perhaps you will give or receive a card today or celebrate your family or that special someone in another way. 或许你也曾经给过别人情人卡,或者收过别人给你的情人卡;或许你也曾经寄卡片给你的家人,或者送卡片给一个你觉得很特别的人。

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