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A: Chris, let me see your travel expense report. Taxi bills are outrageous!

A: Children should watch TV every night. They can learn a lot. (孩子们应该每天看电视,他们可以学到很多东西。)
A: China has a lot of problems. 中国存在很多问题。
A: China welcomes the national power distribution agreement reached by the Sudanese Government and the anti-government militants. 答:中方对苏丹政府同反政府武装达成国家权力分配协议表示欢迎。
A: China will host a great Olympics? (中国要主办奥运会吗?)
A: Chinese IELTS candidates' performance is improving all the time as English is taught more widely and effectively in the Chinese educational system. 中国的IELTS考生的水平一直都在提高,因为现在英语教和学的范围都越来越广泛,而且英语教育在中国的教育制度也得到了有效的体现。
A: Chris, let me see your travel expense report. Taxi bills are outrageous! 克莉丝,让我看看你的旅费申报单。出租车的账单太离谱了吧!
A: Christina, can you give me a hand? 克里斯蒂娜,你能帮我一下吗?
A: Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. 答:1492年哥伦布发现美洲大陆.
A: Cindy, do you mind my singing? 辛迪,我唱歌你不介意吧?
A: Cold this morning, isn't it? 今天早晨真冷,是不是?
A: Come and see me next Friday. 下周五来看我吧。

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