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The containerization of most cargo has reduced damage and lowered the cost.

The container is found polluted with oil marks. Your said there were shipped with the marks, and you would contact the container line. Any news from them? 我们发现集装箱有油污,您说你发货时就有,给我们联系船公司,不知您联系的怎样了?
The container size increases when viewed at larger screen resolutions and decreases when the browser is resized. 当使用大尺寸显示器时,整个“页面容器”的尺寸会放大;当使用小尺寸显示器时,整个“页面容器”的尺寸会缩小。
The container terminal is a modern cargo-handling berth. 集装箱码头是一种新式的货物装载码头。
The container was emptied, and the little black turtles raced towards the ocean instinctively, pausing only occasionally to take a last look at us, until a wave rolled in and took them away. 容器倒空了,黑色的小海龟本能地向海洋跑去,它们只是偶尔停顿一下,向我们投来最后一瞥,直到海浪涌来,将它们卷走。
The container was inverted on the test material surface for a period of 24 hours. 该瓶倒置于所测试的材料表面持续24小时。
The containerization of most cargo has reduced damage and lowered the cost. 1大多数货物采用集装箱式运输,减少了毁损,降低了成本。
The containers were generally used for food,wine and water,and they were often placed in the graves with the dead. 这容器通常用来装食物、酒和水,而且还常与死人一起葬在坟墓里。
The contaminated vital vitamin made racial discrimination come to culmination. 被污染的重要维他命使种族歧视达到极点.
The contaminated water was expected to take 40 hours to make its way through the city. 污染河水大约需要40个小时流过这座城市。
The contamination degree is contamination level to be controlled and change the oil when system is dynamic balance. 提出了液压润滑系统污染动态平衡时的污染度亦即为液压润滑系统需要控制的目标污染度,并以该目标污染度作为换油指标。
The contamination of isotope is an important factor that affects radioactivity isotope tracer injection profile logging, and the application of GTP tiny ball without radioactivityis an efficient way to eliminate contamination of isotope. 摘要同位素沾污是影响放射性同位素示踪注水剖面测井的一个重要因素,采用“冷球”是减少同位素沾污的一种有效手段。

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