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The fertilized ovule becomes the seed, and the ovary becomes the fruit.

The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites. 女王在群居的蜜蜂、蚂蚁或白蚁群体中,可繁殖并发育完全的雌虫
The fertility of the soil has been greatly improved by the use of pesticides. 土壤施用杀虫剂後肥力大增.
The fertility of the surrounding plains, easy access to the Murray lowlands to the east and southeast, and the presence of mineral deposits in the nearby hills all contributed to the city's growth. 四周平原土壤肥沃,与东和东南方的墨累低地相通.附近山区有矿藏.原为早期农贸中心,现已工业化.
The fertility rate in Italy and Spain is 1.28, which, without immigration, would cause the number of Spaniards and Italians to halve in 42 years. 意大利和西班牙这两个国家都没什么移民,他们的生育率为1.28,这将导致42年之后的西班牙人与意大利人减半。
The fertility rate in the EU is 1.47—well below replacement. 欧盟的生育率为1.47——刚好低于替代出生率。
The fertilized ovule becomes the seed, and the ovary becomes the fruit. 已受精的卵子成为种子,而子房变成了果实。
The fertilizer combined with herbicide could accelerate the wheat growth. 除草药肥能促进小麦生长发育,改善经济性状,提高产量。
The festival accommodates 3,000 seating places. 节日容纳3000座位的地方.
The festival began first as a harvest festival. It was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon. 中秋节最初只是一个庆祝丰收的节日,后来,月宫里美丽的仙女——嫦娥的神话故事赋予了它神话色彩。
The festival celebrates both the living and the dead. 这节日既庆祝生者也颂死者。
The festival falls on the 15th day of the 3rd lunar month(about mid-April) and lasts for three days. 姊妹节在农历三月十五(大约4月中旬)开始,持续3天。

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