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Natural food symbiotic microbiological product obtained from animals and poultry intestinal.

Natural disasters brought a lot of influences to the region, not only destroying the agricultural production and the economic life, but changing the environment landscapes and branding the common social customs as special. 自然灾害对江汉平原区域社会发展产生多方面影响,不仅对农业生产、经济生活造成破坏,而且带来环境景观的变迁,并给民风民俗打上烙印。
Natural enemies of Hyphantria cunea (Drury) were investigated in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province. Two parasitoids in larva stage, 12 parasitoids in pupal stage and 2 predators (Coccinella septempunctata and Tenodera sinensis) were found. 摘要通过对美国白蛾各个发育期的天敌进行调查与研究,发现除了捕食性天敌七星瓢虫、大刀螳螂等外,幼虫期有2种寄生性天敌、蛹期有12种寄生性天敌,这为保护和利用天敌、有效控制美国白蛾提供了依据。
Natural essence ofV C with abundance, the efficiently beautiful leuco - isolate rho factor of this article, the NMF is natural to protect the wet rho factor, VE etc., the efficiently beautiful and white rho factor can permeate the skin quickly, lauteringi 成份:本品含丰富的天然维C精华、高效美白隔离因子,NMF天然保湿因子、VE等,高效美白因子能迅速渗透肌肤,过滤紫外线,防止黑斑形成,同时有效隔离污染、防止外界不良环境及彩妆对皮肤的伤害,为肌肤提供一整天的健康保护。
Natural fibres contain impurities in the form of oils, fats and waxes. 天然的纤维含有一些类似油和石蜡之类的杂质。
Natural flake graphite powder used in nonferrous,metal molten furnace for oxygen-proof material. 天然磷片石墨粉,用于有色金属熔炉液体表面防氧化覆盖粉。
Natural food symbiotic microbiological product obtained from animals and poultry intestinal. 在健康动物和鸟类胃肠道中提取微生物共生菌群基础上制取的天然产品。
Natural force within us is the true healer of disease. 我们体内的自然力量是疾病的真正治疗者。
Natural forces include fires, floods, wind, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. 大自然的力量包括火灾、水灾、风、飓风、龙卷风和地震。
Natural gamma ray spectrometry log can provide total gamma-ray value, and KTh, U, and K contents that have important applications in glutenite reservoir. 自然伽马能谱测井可以测量地层总自然伽马、无铀伽马、铀、钍和钾的含量,在砂砾岩油藏中具有重要的应用价值。
Natural gas hydrate contains 150-200m^3 of gas per m^3 solid hydrate. 在标准状况下1立方公尺的气体水合物可储存150~200立方公尺的天然气。
Natural gas prices could increase the most. 天然气的价格可能是增长的最厉害的。

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