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More and more studies showed that the allelopathy of exotic plants played an important role in their successful ecesis.

Monomineral Rb-Sr Dating Contour Determination of Dulong Tin and Zinc Deposit 都龙锡锌矿床单矿物Rb-Sr等时线年龄测定
Mononuclear complexes of bis-oxamide and oxamido were synthesized. 首次将草胺酸单核配合物体系扩展到双草酰胺单核配合物体系;
Monosomic tests indicated that the tagged QTL by NAU/SSR/fs 0 and NAU/SSR/fs 90 was mapped to chromosome 0 and another QTL by NAU/SSR/fs 0 to chromosome . 单体测验表明 ,NAU/ SSR/ fs 0 、NAU/ SSR/ fs 90 标记的 QTL 位于第 0染色体上 ,而 NAU/ SSR/ fs 0 标记的 QTL 位于第 染色体上
Monte Carlo simulation study on gas/liquid phase transition of the two dimensional Lennard Jones systems 二维Lennard-Jones系统气/液相转变的Monte Carlo模拟研究
Montego Bay Hospital,Jamaica 蒙特哥贝医院,牙买加
More and more studies showed that the allelopathy of exotic plants played an important role in their successful ecesis. 越来越多的研究证明了植物化感作用在外来植物成功定居中扮演重要的角色。
More fathers who had read the booklet did not smoke at home (7 percent vs percent) or smoked less (8 percent vs 8 percent) as compared with those who had not done so. 阅读小册子的父亲在家中不吸烟或较少吸烟的比例较高 ,分别为 7∶ ,8∶ 8。
More recurrent lochia cases were seen in the CS group than that in spontaneous delivery group (0 vs 8, . % vs 9. 9%). 剖宫产组波动性恶露病例(0 例,.%)明显多于阴道分娩组(8例,9.9%,P<0.0)。
Moreover the micropinocytotic vesicles disappeared,the cytoplasm of the endothelial cells was characterized by the presence of numerous Weibel Palade bodies which number increaseed in the dilated capillaries. 在牙髓毛细淋巴管内皮细胞中可见Weibel Palade小体 ,在炎症期数量增加。
Moreover, ideology is not something isolated, but a combination of the collective, the translator's, the patron's and the readers' as a whole. 同时,笔者认为意识形态也不是只由一种力量控制,它是一个合力,包括集体的、译者本人的、赞助人的和读者的这样一个整体。
Moreover, it was also expressed in labial palpus, maxillary palpus and proboscis. SNMP was expressed in egg, the 0th-day pupa and imago, but expressed relatively low in egg. SNMP在卵、蛹和成虫体内也都有表达,但在卵中表达量相对较低。

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