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One may find that a preoccupation as a teacher or healer of ascension would be the natural outcome of such a truth.

One may be sure that Mr Baker's current effort will receive rather more attention than the 1983 briefing book. 可以能够确定的就是贝克目前的努力比起1983年的那本简报来讲将会引起更大的关注。
One may begin by draining any remaining armoring of pain, anger or fear through conscious intent. 你可以有意识意图来抽离任何剩余的痛苦、忿怒或恐惧盔甲而开始。
One may even go on to add a particular mineral to one's alter if one tends to lose particular tones within the scale of the Language of Light recurrently in one's ascension. 如果你在提升中趋向于连续丢失光之语音阶中特定的音调,你甚至可以在你的圣坛中继续加入特定的矿物。
One may find four modes of constitutional reform based on the starting point, the pace, the channel, and the extent of change: radical rewriting, delayed radical rewriting, gradual endogenous rewriting, and gradual amendment. 宪政改造经由不同的起点、速度、渠道与程度构成了四种不同的宪改模式:激进制宪、延迟激进制宪、渐进内生制宪与渐进修宪。
One may find it less necessary to eat as much or as often through this practice, however ones cravings for certain food substances will still follow the biological needs for transmutative purposes of ascension. 你会发现当经常进行这个练习时自己将更少需要进食,然而为了提升中转化的生物性需要,对某些特定食物的渴望仍将会伴随着你。
One may find that a preoccupation as a teacher or healer of ascension would be the natural outcome of such a truth. 将是这一真相的自然结果,你可能会发现自己成为提升老师或疗愈者的职业。
One may further add that only with the transmission of the social world to a new generation does the fundamental social dialectic appear in its totality. 只有在将这个社会世界传递给下一代的时候,人才能窥见基本社会辩证的全貌。
One may futher add that only with the transmission of the social world to a new generation (that is, internalization as effectuaed in socialization)does the fundamental social dialectic appear in its totality. 更甚者,只有藉著社会的代代相传,(社会化中完成内化),基础社会辩证才会完整呈现。
One may leave behind those who cannot ascend, as it is no longer comfortable to spend time in their presence, particularly if one feels energetically battered in the dance. 你也将离开那些不能提升者,因为你不再对花时间和他们呆在一起而感到舒服,尤其当你感到能量在舞蹈中被交换之时。
One may need to separate from others in one's life that wish you to manifest their vision for you instead of your own. 你可能需要与你生活中的那些希望你显化他们的展望、而不是显化你自己的人分开。
One may not reach the dawn save by the path of the night. 除了经过黑夜的道路,任何人都无法到达黎明。

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