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The environmental temperature is less than 5℃.

The environmental protection becomes a little bit hot problem that a people of this world pays attention to together now, but the building can consume a problem, becoming an important factor that influences an environmental protection in the society in fa 如今环保成为一个世人共同关注的热点问题,而建筑能耗问题,在快速发展的社会中,成为影响环保的一个重要因素。
The environmental protection departments of the coastal provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for organizing, coordinating, supervising and inspecting the marine environmental protecti 沿海省、自治区、直辖市环境保护部门负责组织协调、监督检查本行政区域的海洋环境保护工作,并主管防止海岸工程和陆源污染物污染损害的环境保护工作。
The environmental protection is paid attention to because an abundance of environmental problems exsit in construction prolects. 摘要由于在基础设施建设过程中产生了大量的环境问题,环境保护受到全社会的关注。
The environmental protection is to maintain important guarantee mining area ecology coordination stable and the resources sustainable use. 摘要环境保护是矿区生态协调稳定和资源可持续利用的重要保证。
The environmental quality of soil and groundwater from 40 plots in east section of outer ring road and surroundings in Shanghai were investigated. 摘要对上海市外环线东段沿线及其周围的40块绿化扩大用地进行土壤和地下水质量的监测。
The environmental temperature is less than 5℃. 环境温度低于5℃的条件下。
The environmental watchdog often reports on policy violations by large corporations. 环保人士通常会报告大公司的违反规则。
The environmentalist launched out at great length on energy preservation. 这位环境保护论者就节约能源问题发了一通议论。
The environmentalists formed their own party. 环境保护主义者组成了自己的团体
The environments of transnational operation for petroleum enterprises cover such sub-environments as political environment, economic environment, juristic environment, science and technology environment, social and cultural environment, and natural enviro 摘要石油企业跨国经营环境主要指石油资源国的政治、经济、法律、科技、社会文化和自然环境等方面的综合环境。
The envoys to these areas, while back from their missions, reported Chen's blockage of traffic and conveyed local kings' desire to pay tribute to the Chinese emperor. 明成祖“嘉其忠诚”,准其所请,故命郑和率领数万军队下西洋,是为郑和下西洋的动因。

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