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In the assimilating shoots of H. ammodendron, the activity of sucrose phosphate synthase was lower than those of sucrose synthase and invertase and, the activities of clastic enzymes in H. ammodendron suffering C. deserticola parasitization were higher th

In the aspect of metallogenic theories, this paper mainly presents retrospects of the research history of such problems as varied and complex submarine ore-forming processes, three huge metallogenic provinces, metallogenic models, intermediate-acid magmat 在成矿理论方面,主要就多样复杂的海底成矿,三大巨型成矿域,成矿模式,中酸性岩浆岩及有关成矿作用,层控矿床,同位素、微量元素及气液包裹体运用于成矿等问题的研究历史作了回顾。
In the aspect of realization the backward differentiation method was applied for stability and the variable stepwise method is used for the calculation efficiency. 在程序研究方面,采用时间的向后差分解决了程序的稳定性问题;采用时间的变步长技术提高了程序的运行效率。
In the aspect of theory, the boundary condition with variable storage pipeline volume is proposed. 在理论研究方面,提出了可变管线存储体积的边界条件。
In the aspects of candy and cool drink: Better reflecting the functional characteristics of soybean protein isolated. 在糖果和冷饮方面:更能体现大豆分离蛋白的功能特性。
In the assignment of a trademark for goods prescribed in Article 7 of these Rules, the assignee shall present certification documents from the departments concerned in accordance with Article 11 of these Rules. 转让本实施细则第七条规定的商品的商标,受让人应当依照本实施细则第十一条规定,提供有关部门的证明文件。
In the assimilating shoots of H. ammodendron, the activity of sucrose phosphate synthase was lower than those of sucrose synthase and invertase and, the activities of clastic enzymes in H. ammodendron suffering C. deserticola parasitization were higher th 寄主梭梭同化枝内蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性较转化酶活性和蔗糖合成酶活性低,其中寄生肉苁蓉的梭梭的分解酶类活性高于未寄生肉苁蓉的梭梭。
In the attitude about treating traditional political civilization, metaphysical methodology has a great influence on the current academic circles: Either, they totally deny it when only seeing its historical inertia; or, they respect it deeply and have th 摘要在对待传统政治文明的态度上,形而上学的方法论在当下的学界非常有影响:要么只见其历史惰性而一概否定;要么只见传统之锦绣,深怀敬仰并对之一往情深。
In the audience, there were a few stray brooches pinned to jackets and coats. 在观众中,偶然有一些别了胸针在短上衣和外套上。
In the author opinion, this can't bring to light their essence. 文章认为,仅罗列二者表现形式上的不同并不能揭示出这两种语言的实质。
In the automatic control engineering we offer a broad potential from the sensor technology to the process control system. 我们提供从传感器到控制器的整套专利解决方案。
In the autumn the authorities automatically authorize me to buy highly mobile automobiles. 秋天,当权者自动授权我买高机动性的汽车.

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