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But the court said the law was unclear in New York and Rhode Island, and sent that part of the case back to a lower court for clarification.

But the country is very big, so there is still a lot of open space and natural scenery outside the cities. 但由于疆土很大,市区外围仍然有大片的开阔地和许多自然风光。
But the country synthesizes the role localization which the necessary reform pilot area government manages to be supposed along with the economical and the social coordinated development new demand at the right moment is comprehensive innovates, the trans 国家综合配套改革试验区政府管理的角色定位应随着经济与社会协调发展的新需求而适时全面创新,转变权力的思维模式,正确进行自身的角色定位,为建设和谐社会提供体制保障。
But the county comnlissars were afraid of seeming like defenders of the landlords. 而县的干部则担心被指责为包庇地主。
But the court did not demand he restore the walls and facade to their original state, disappointing the prosecutors. 但是法庭没有要求他重新将墙刷回原貌,这让检举人很失望。
But the court of judgment will sit, and they will take away his dominion, so as to annihilate and destroy it unto the end. 26然而审判者必坐庭,他的权柄必被夺去,以致毁坏、灭绝,一直到底。
But the court said the law was unclear in New York and Rhode Island, and sent that part of the case back to a lower court for clarification. 但是该法院说,纽约州和罗德岛州的法律不是很清楚,部分案件将移送一个下级法院进行处理。
But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. 启11:2只是殿外的院子、要留下不用量.因为这是给了外邦人的.他们要践踏圣城四十二个月。
But the credit-card companies have realised that the last holdout of cash is the small purchase—newspapers, bus tickets, cigarettes. 但信用卡公司已经意识到现金的最后坚守阵地是小额购物---报纸、巴士车票、香烟。
But the crime had a searing impact on American attitudes towards the Vietnam war, strengthening the belief that no good could come of it and that America should withdraw. 不过这起暴行在美国引起了轩然大波,它改变了美国人对越战的态度,人们更加相信战争有百害无一利,要求撤兵的呼声也越来越高。
But the criminal procedure law is not perfect on the supervise to the summary procedure, it has to he reformed. 但是现行法律对简易程序中检察制度的规定还不完善,应当改革。
But the crisis has not deterred the authorities from pursuing other ethanol distilling projects and biofuel experiments. 但政府并未因这场危机停止推进另一项乙醇生产项目和生物燃料试验。

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