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A:Well, there's one more thing. I can't get a dial tone on the phone; it's dead.

A:We'll probably have to hire three or four engineers to help us modernize the factory. 我们可能得雇用三至四个工程师,来帮助我们实现工厂现代化。
A:Well, Bill, here we are. Bally's Grand Hotel. Isn't it great to be in Las Vegas ? 嗯,比尔,我们到了。是波丽大饭店。在拉斯维加斯这里不是很棒吗?
A:Well, I'm sure you can fill these closets in no time! 我相信你很快就会把这些壁柜填满。
A:Well, can you tell me how to get to Orlando? I want to take my family to Disney World. 好的,你能告诉怎么去奥兰多吗?我想带家人去迪斯尼乐园。
A:Well, if you have time this weekend, I could continue the unfinished story. 哦,这个周末你如果有时间的话,我能够继续讲那个没有结束的故事。
A:Well, there's one more thing. I can't get a dial tone on the phone; it's dead. 还有一点。我的电话没有拨音号,完全哑了。
A:Well, we may try some career counseling sessions to help us get over it. 恩,我们可以试试一些事业谘询的活动,帮忙我忙度过这个时期。
A:Well, we usually leave when the work's done. Sometimes that's 6:00 or even later. Let's play it by ear . 通常是工作完成了,我们就离开。有时候到6点或更晚。咱们看着办吧。
A:Well, Unlike most games, Magic always moves right along with the time. It will always offer you greater levels of fun. 和很多游戏不同,魔术会随着时间推移而不断改变,它会给你带来更多的乐趣。
A:Well,can I have that table by the window?We want to enjoy the night view of New York. 嗯,我们可以坐靠窗的位子吗?我们想享受一下纽约的夜景。
A:We’ll have to stay and work overtime. 我们得留下来加班。

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