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By including Chinese opera instruments such as the erhu fiddle, Chinese gongs, wooden clappers and performing with a rap rhythm and tempo, Wang hopes to show the world the sophistication of Chinese culture and add a new light-hearted perspective so that t

By implementing these guidelines, you can ensure that your site is available to the widest possible audience. 通过执行这些方针,可以保证你的网站可用于最广泛的用户群。
By importing savings from abroad, poor countries can invest more than they are able to set aside from their own meagre output. 通过从国外引进资金,比起他们可以通过勒紧裤腰带省出来的那点钱,他们可以进行更多的投资。
By improvement on material quality, selection of rational structure, and tight control of quality of manufacture and process indicators in operation, the secondary evaporator-heater has been in operation for three years without any obvious signs of corros 通过改进材质、选择合理的结构、严控制作质量和操作工艺指标,二段蒸发加热器经3年多的运行,未出现明显的腐蚀现象,预计使用寿命在5年以上。
By improving the existing mode of financial statements auditing and creating a new fraud-based management auditing system, we may better impel CPA to fulfill his responsibility for management fraud. 就注册会计师的管理舞弊审计责任来说,“排除合理怀疑”是对“勤勉尽责”标准的另一种解说,通过对现有审计模式的改进,形成管理舞弊导向审计新模式可以更好地促使注册会计师履行其管理舞弊审计责任。
By in large, humans who are not ascending have roughly 25 ancestral lineages that were utilized to construct the form. 大体而言,没有提升的人类大约具有25种祖先血统用来构建形体。
By including Chinese opera instruments such as the erhu fiddle, Chinese gongs, wooden clappers and performing with a rap rhythm and tempo, Wang hopes to show the world the sophistication of Chinese culture and add a new light-hearted perspective so that t 通过中国京剧乐器如二胡、锣鼓、梆子,用饶舌的节奏和速度表演,王力宏希望向世界展现中国文化的精髓,并加入令人轻松的新观念,以致传统京剧被提到被赞美。
By including the multipath reflections in the mathematical equations, the processor can extrapolate not only the direction of the signal but also the exact position of the user's cell phone. 把多路径的反射加入数学程式之后,处理器不仅可以外推出讯号的方向,还可以算出用户行动电话的确切位置。
By incorporating exposures over time, the discriminatory power of predictive models in ARF can be significantly improved. 随时间加入暴露因素,ARF预测模型的区分能力能明显改善。
By increasing or removing spring and realizing scene conversion. 通过增加或去除弹簧实现现场转换。
By increasing pouring &molding machines and semi-automatic lathes, and setting up our facility research and development department, we were capable to processing standard metal and international standard metal accessories. 主要加工设备调整,成立专机研发部,专业标金非标及国标零件加工,增加注塑机、半自动车床,积极开拓欧、美市场,生产加工领域涉及电器,电子及家电产业。
By increasing the column trays in the first and second of extractive rectification column, the purity of butadiene increased from 99.0% to 99.5%, the content of alkynes decreased from 140×10^(-6) to 25×10^(-6), the content of butadiene in the C4 raffinate 摘要通过增加丁二烯生产装置中第一、第二萃取精馏塔塔板数,使得成品丁二烯纯度由改造前的99.0%提高到99.5%以上,炔烃质量分数由140×10^(-6)降低到25×10^(-6)以下,抽余碳四中丁二烯质量分数由0.3%~0.8%降低到0.004%以下。

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