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Engineers are examining how to make the fuel tank from lightweight carbon fibre, which may allow it to be reshaped to fit into the nooks and crannies of the car's chassis.

Engineering technicians enter the equipment testing area in the Linhai Power Transformer Substation in Mudanjiang City of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Nov. 22, 2006. 11月22日,在牡丹江市林海变电站,工程技术人员进入调试设备区。
Engineering: Explosive sheep do fire damage instead of physical damage. 工程学:自爆绵羊现在造成火焰伤害而不是物理伤害。
Engineering: The damage from sapper charges can now be resisted. The overall DPS of the charges should not be significantly altered from what it currently is. 工程学:地精工兵炸药的伤害现在可以被抵抗了。但是炸药总的DPS相对于现在不会有什么改变。
Engineers and decision makers for solar Cell &Module manufacturers, PV Equipment venders, Material suppliers, government officials and investors should attend this forum. 光伏制造企业决策人员及工程师,设备和材料供应商,光伏产业投资者,政府官员。
Engineers are currently planning a two-stage ion exchange process to extract radioactive cesium and technetium from the soluble part of the alkaline tank waste. 工程师目前正在规划一个两阶段离子交换过程,将具有放射性的铯与鎝从硷性的废料溶液中萃取出来。
Engineers are examining how to make the fuel tank from lightweight carbon fibre, which may allow it to be reshaped to fit into the nooks and crannies of the car's chassis. 工程师正在研究怎样用轻碳纤维来制作燃料槽,从而使它更有可塑性以适合放在隐蔽处和底盘的缝隙中。
Engineers are now building photovoltaic cells that can be scrunched when the wing is folded. 目前工程人员正在制作机翼收摺时可随之卷压的光电池。
Engineers are planning to set up a virtual community centralized by internet application. 工程师们准备在天津开发区建成一个以互联网应用为核心的虚拟社区。
Engineers are trying to pinpoint the cause of the trouble. 工程师们在设法找出故障的原因。
Engineers are working on ways to detect hazardous wake vortices so pilots can avoid them or to design aircraft that leave safer skies behind them. 工程师正在研究,想找出有效的点子,侦测危险的机尾涡流,或设计不会危及后方空域的安全飞机。
Engineers as reformers in early 20th-century America. 20世纪早期美国中作为改革家的工程师。

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