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1B The coating has flaked along the edges of cuts in large ribbons and whole squares have detached. The area affected is 35 to 65 % of the lattice.

1A suicide bomber struck a Baghdad book market killing more than two dozen people. The blast shattered a relative calm in the capital and triggered a series of region fires. 巴格达自杀式汽车炸弹袭击至少打死两打人,这次爆炸粉碎了首都相对的平静并引发了一系列地区的火灾。
1A: I can go and ask him, if you want. (如果你愿意,我可以去问他。)
1A: what about the student accommodations? 学生住宿条件如何?
1All values are percent of DHA in total fatty acids of egg yolk. 数据以DHA占蛋黄中总脂肪酸百分比表示之。
1Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity. 直到19世纪,铝才被人们发现,因为在自然界中纯净的铝并不存在,它总是与其他物质相结合,尤其常见的是和氧气结合形成相当稳定的混合物.
1B The coating has flaked along the edges of cuts in large ribbons and whole squares have detached. The area affected is 35 to 65 % of the lattice. 涂层沿着方格的边缘部分有很大的带状分离,整个方格被分离了。有35-65%区域的方格被影响。
1B) Steel parts must have polished angles and their visible surfaces smoothed down. Screw heads have to be polished, with their slots and rims chamfered. 所有钢制零件的边缘必须削角、打磨、抛光使其如镜面般光亮。所有螺丝帽的边缘及凹口都要削角抛光,螺丝尾则须做平面或球面抛光。
1Bolts must be stainless steel or titanium. 1锚栓必须为不袗或钛金属。
1CHINA is being cast as the villain once again. 中国再次被扣上“反面人物”的形象。
1Descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to a comprehensible from the properties of an otherwise unwidely mass of data. 译文:描述统计学是一种工具,它被用来把大量难以控制的数据的性质通过描述,概括或简化而成为能理解的形式.
1Diamond is composed of carbon. 1金刚石是由碳元素构成的.

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