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Paraffinic Having the characteristics of paraffins,saturated hydrocarbons of open chain structure.

Paradoxically, the danger facing those who insure against political peril is that the appetite for risk in financial markets is so strong. 具有讽刺意义的是,那些给政治风险投保的人所面临的是是最大危险却是金融市场对风险不见底的胃口。
Paradoxically, the success has also been frustrating. 可是很矛盾地,这项成功却也令人沮丧。
Paradoxically, this allows dry brush to build up, resulting in more intense fires later. 这一政策导致了大片的干灌木丛,以至于后来更加严重的火灾发生。
Paradoxically, though, Israel's interest in restoring trade may be greater than Mr Abbas's. 然而话说回来,以色列也许比阿巴斯先生更有兴趣重开贸易。
Paraduodenal fossae originate as congenital peritoneal anomalies owing to failure of mesenteric fusion with the parietal peritoneum and an associated abnormal rotation during imprisonment of the small intestine beneath the developing colon (1–3,22,27–33). 十二指肠旁隐窝的产生是由于先天性的腹膜异常,即肠系膜与壁层腹膜融合失败,同时小肠在局限于整条结肠中间位置的发育过程中旋转异常。
Paraffinic Having the characteristics of paraffins,saturated hydrocarbons of open chain structure. 石蜡族具有石蜡的特性、具开放式结构的饱和烃。
Parafin was emulsion is used to humidify when the fiberglass is produced. 拉制玻璃纤维原纱时采用石蜡乳剂作浸润剂,其含量不大于2.2%。
Paragangliomas of head and neck are rare tumors that occur sporadically with the prevalence of about 1 in 30,000 of head and neck tumors. 摘要头颈部副神经节瘤是一罕见偶发的疾病,盛行率约占所有头颈部肿瘤的三万分之一。
Paragraph 6.1 of non-toxic pesticides, Rodenticide, and the wholesale and retail agricultural equipment. 第6.1类非剧毒农药、杀鼠剂、农业器械的批发零售。
Paragraph 8.2 The preceding sewerage does not include treatment facilities for polluted water, septic tanks, and filtration ponds owned or operated by the facility operator. 前项污水下水道不包括设施经营者拥有或营运之污水处理设施、腐化槽及过滤池。
Paragraph breaks follow standard rules and clearly reinforce the organizational structure. 段落划分遵循标准规定且清楚地增强组织结构。

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