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A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.

A modern astrological interpretation of Matthew's account of the star, based on the Magi role as astrologers, claims to decodethe Star of Bethlehem as a star configuration that was visible only to astrologers because the starwas revealed in an astrologica 基于东方三博士的角色是占星家,一位现代占星家对马太福音的记载作了解释,声称“译解”了作为一颗恒星外形的圣诞星是只有占星家才看得见,因为这颗“星”是揭露在一张占星图表上。
A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago. 在十年前还是荒地的地方建起了一座现代化的城市。
A modern industrial city is now emerging. 一个现代化的工业城市正在兴起。
A modern love story, The Longest Night in Shanghai, starring Chinese mainland actress Vicky Zhao and Japanese heartthrob Masahiro Motoki, premiered in Beijing on Wednesday. 《夜上海》是一部现代爱情故事题材的电影,以中国大陆明星赵薇和日本柔情演员本木雅弘作为主演,于周三在北京首次公演。
A modern navy will defend our seas. 一只现代化的海军会保卫我们的领海。
A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one. 一所现代化的监狱取代了那所维多利亚时代的监狱.
A modern puppet made in Taiwan cannot even be compared with the workmanship put into a traditional puppet. 本省制造的新式布偶,比起古老的泉州布偶,确是粗俗多了。
A modern view of high education should be established in China in order to form a new pattern of paying attention to the cultivation of qualified engineering gifts, at same time, a new mode and operation mechanism is also set where academic education is c 我国高等工程教育应树立现代高等工程教育观;建立关注合格工程技术人才基本养成的整体格局,把学历教育和继续教育、基本素质养成与工程实践锻炼结合起来的培养新模式和运行新机制。
A modest stall at the front of the property was to sell the olives to passers by, it was soon replaced by West Australia's first boutique olive shop and cafe. 开始的时候,在橄榄园的前面有一个小小的门面向过路者出售橄榄,后来很快就成了澳大利亚第一个精品橄榄店和咖啡店。
A modification of the ship's hyperdrive that increased its performance to class two allowed for more frequent victualing stops, and some of that cargo space was converted for hangar use. 该船的一个变种的超光速引擎的性能达到2.0级,允许它进行更多的装货停靠,而部分货舱空间被改作了机库。
A modified SUV built by students at the California Institute of Technology crashed through a fence less than two miles down the road and got hung up on the other side. 加州理工学院学生建造的改装多功能休旅车才开不到三公里,就撞穿路边的围栏,挂在围栏的另一边。

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