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Cf. Anthony, Kwame Appia &Henry Louis Gates, Jr. eds. Identities. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1995, Editor's Introduction: Multiplying Identities, pp. 1-6.

Cesium carbonate catalyzed O-alkylation of phenol to synthesize alkly aryl ethers. 摘要研究了碳酸铯催化酚与卤代烃反应制备烷基芳醚。
Cessation of normal growth, especially of an organ or other body part, prior to full development or maturation. 败育中止正常成长,尤其是在一器官或身体其他部分完全发育或成熟以前
Cetainly.You're absolutely right about that. 当然,你完全正确。
Cetane improver. Makes the engine run better at higher compression settings. 碳氢化合物的改进物。使引擎在高压缩比时运转较为顺畅。
Cette nation magnifique que nous avons en partage. La France, notre nation, mes chers compatriotes, nous devons toujours en être profondément fiers. 我们同享这个壮丽的国家。法兰西,我们的祖国,同胞们我们应该始终为之骄傲。
Cf. Anthony, Kwame Appia &Henry Louis Gates, Jr. eds. Identities. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1995, Editor's Introduction: Multiplying Identities, pp. 1-6. 关于翻译对中国文化现代性的作用,参阅拙作:《翻译文学与中国文化现代性》,[北京]《清华大学学报》2002年增1,第84-89页。
Cf. a major book in American history; Anti-Intellectualism in American Life. 美国的文化一直是反理性的文化。
Ch 51 just said they are not sure if it is a bone bruise after all. 51电台刚才说他们还不能最终确定他是不是骨头淤伤。
Cha Bum kum, former head coach of the ROK national soccer team, is the magic weapon of the private station MBS, which employed Cha as its soccer commentator. 私人电视台MBS聘请了韩国前国家足球队教练车范根担任足球解说员,作为他们的秘密武器。
Chabrol has said that with the actors there are invariably power struggles, while with actresses the rapport is more one of seduction. 夏布罗尔曾说他和男演员之间总有权利争夺,而和女演员之间的默契超越了吸引力。
Chacaltaya is an acclimatization center for climbers preparing to ascend the next-door peak and the club is considering opening a path to the neighboring mountain. 嘉卡塔雅是登山者预备攀登隔壁山峰的高度适应中心,俱乐部正考虑开辟一条通往邻近山脉的道路。

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