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Do we want to continue with an atomistic approach to studying groups?

Do we really want to have to do this manually? 那我们真的愿意手工来做这个事情?
Do we run?, Should I hide? 我们要逃避吗?我该隐藏吗?
Do we serve for who? 我们为谁服务?
Do we still discuss this price? 这个价钱还可以商量商量吗?
Do we value the convenience of buying everything from eggs and eyeglasses, Levi's and lawn mowers, in a single place more than charming main streets with local shopkeepers? 与漫步在迷人的主街、两旁是本地人开的商店相比,我们更重视在同一个地方买到从鸡蛋到眼镜、从李维斯牛仔到割草机的一切的便利吗?
Do we want to continue with an atomistic approach to studying groups? 我们是否继续以原子论的方法来研究种族?
Do we want to go to the quarter-final?' he asked. 'Of course. “波尔图是欧洲的一直传统球队,是一支有野心的球队,所以我们应该尊重他们,他们也得到了。”
Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. 31这样、我们因信废了律法麽.断乎不是、更是坚固律法。
Do what I say, or else. 去做我所说的事,要不然就要你好看。
Do what is right and be content.Keep the mind pure and undefiled.Remain calm and serene always. 我们要安分守已,守住清净无为的心,让心时时寂静。
Do what is right in one’s own eyes. 做自己认为正确的事。

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