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1The connecting lever is employd trundleing the needle with maintains a module chiefly to be used the motor.The compressor is with else crank connecting instrument ,OAD and the composition mould style fixs the necessary demand on the basis of the motorcyc

1Preferably a bachelor degree(major in Microbiology, Prevent Medicines, Medicine, pharmaceutics or relative)and intermediate or above technical post. 本科(微生物学M预防医学,医学,药学等专业)及以上学历,及中级以上(含中级)专业技术职称有基本的英语沟通能力。
1Residents of some 300 homes in Southern California have been urged to get out as a three-week-old wildfire approaches their neighborhoods. 燃烧了三周的大火逼近,加里佛尼亚南部300多户居民被敦促撤离。
1Supplier to be capacitized for 150,000 engines a year in a 5 day / 24hr workweek. Capacity should be provisioned to increase to 289,000 engines annually with one year notice. 要求供应商在一周总工时5天/24小时的条件下,发动机年生产量为15万。在事先通知一年后,年生产量可随时增加到28.9万。
1TC series boring and facing head is based on 1TA series boring head with special cutter disc and cutter driving devicees,it not only functions of 1TA series boring head,but also can complete endface,external,splling and corner cutting. 1TC系列镗孔车端面动力头是在1TA系列镗削头基础上配置专用刀盘及进刀装置而成,除具备镗削头的镗孔功能外,还可完成车端面、车外圆、车止口、切槽、倒角等加工工序。
1The Feature-Based and SPT alignment commands offer an improved workflow and streamlined interface. 使用基本元素和SPT叠合的指令整合在工作平面和串流线里面!
1The connecting lever is employd trundleing the needle with maintains a module chiefly to be used the motor.The compressor is with else crank connecting instrument ,OAD and the composition mould style fixs the necessary demand on the basis of the motorcyc 1连杆用滚针和保持架组件主要用于发动机,压缩机和其它曲柄连杆机构上,外形尺寸和结构型式的确定根据国内外摩托车的配套要求,考虑到互换和通用的要求,确定了曲柄销用滚针和保持架组件KZK和活塞销用KBK型。
1The demander checks samples before batch purchasing new products from supplier meanwhile the supplier should provide valid inspection report issued by authorities! 1需方向供方批量采购新产品前对样品进行认定,供方应出示由权威机构出具的有效的检测报告。
1The replacement feeding must be acceptable, financially and physically possible, continued over a period of time and safe for both the mother and baby. 替代喂养必须是可行的,经济和身体状况许可的,能持续一段时间的,对于母亲和孩子来说都是安全的.
1They say it is important to stay socially and mentally active to keep brain cells healthy. 他们认为参与社交和脑力活动对保持脑细胞健康是重要的。
1They would devour allour groups and kill our our flocks and herds,if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals . 要不是受一些食虫动物的保护,昆虫会吞噬我们全部的庄稼和成群的牛羊.虚拟语句和本句异曲同工。只是为了保持句子平衡,置放的位置不同,视时而定.
1To evaluate complete project, sum up experience and defect. 对完工项目作技术服务评估,总结经验,分析不足之处。

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