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It had evoked serious concern in New Delhi fearing that change in the flow of rivers from China could harm interests in the lower riparian regions of India.

It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it. 前年夏天它就坏了。虽然我早就许诺过我自己修,但是我从未腾出空来。
It had changed from a religious doctrine into a basic norm of constitutionalism design, because it has the same philosophy to constitutionalism on protection of human rights and the separation of powers. 通过德国、日本以及欧盟的实践,辅助原则已经由宗教教义转化为宪政设计的基本准则,因为它与宪政的人权保障、分权制衡等理念保持一致。
It had clearly lain untouched for decades. 很明显,它已经数十年没被动过了。
It had coated our lives with a cheerful veneer of toys, gadgets, and $10 children's shoes. 我们生活中充斥着来自中国的各种东西—玩具、小玩意和10美元一双的童鞋。
It had come to rescue him. 是的,有人来救他了。
It had evoked serious concern in New Delhi fearing that change in the flow of rivers from China could harm interests in the lower riparian regions of India. 报道引起了新德里的高度关注,政府担心由中国境内流入的河流量的变化会损害下游地区印度的利益。
It had gone [passed]out of my mind. 这事我已经记不起了。
It had gone to sleep. 它已经沉睡了。
It had grown into a habit, to pick up pebbles and touch the chain, and to throw them away without looking to see if a change had come; thus the madman found and lost the touchstone. 拾起小石去碰碰那条链子,然后不看看变化与否,又把它扔掉,这已成了习惯;就是这样,这疯子找到了又失掉了那块点金石。
It had hit a rock and was half in and half out of the water. 它触礁了,一半沉在水里,一半露在水面上。
It had just three such institutions in 1999, a tiny share of the loan-syndication market. 在1999年只有三家这样的机构,只占辛迪加贷款市场的很小的一部分。

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