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Christian Pfeiffer always offers their customers complete solutions, the decisive factors being new ideas for control of the grinding plant, safety and product enhancement, and at the same time greater economic viability and energy saving.

Christian Conservative has some far-reaching impacts on the recent changes of politics, culture and education in America. 摘要基督教保守主义在近年美国的政治、文化和教育变革中,产生了深远的影响。
Christian D,Stephan G,Wolfgang P,et al.Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome[J].Engl J Med,http://content.nejm.org/cgi/reprint/NEJMoa 030747v2.pdf,2003-0410. 吴新伟,程钢,狄飚.荧光聚合酶链反应检测严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒的方法建立及临床初步应用[J].中华检验医学杂志,2003,26:300-302.
Christian Klien and David Coulthard again exploited the size of the RB2's fuel tank to run one-stop strategies. 克里斯蒂安-克莱恩(克莱恩新闻,克莱恩说吧)和大卫-库塔(库塔新闻,库塔说吧)再一次利用RB2邮箱的大小采用了一次进站的策略。
Christian Klien showed reasonable pace as he chased after Heidfeld, but was taken out by gearbox issues. 克里斯蒂安-克莱恩在追赶海德费尔德的时候表现出了相当不错的速度,然而变速箱的问题却让他退出了比赛。
Christian Klingenfeldt: Cheers to my dad; a rapist and a murderer. (在所有宾客面前)敬我的父亲,一个强奸犯和谋杀者。
Christian Pfeiffer always offers their customers complete solutions, the decisive factors being new ideas for control of the grinding plant, safety and product enhancement, and at the same time greater economic viability and energy saving. 克瑞斯汀非凡公司总是能提供给客户所有的解决方案,这些决策性观念作为决定性因素应用在磨机的控制、安全、提高产量同时提高经济效益又节省能量。
Christian Renewal Ministries has recently published The Quest Bible in Chinese. 更新传道会最近在出版<<灵修圣经>>﹐是读经者的好消息﹔有很多实际的应用提示。
Christian Science: Shit happens in your mind. 基督科学教:倒楣的事情发生在你的脑子里。
Christian Vieri: I daren't even say the word scudetto. 克里斯蒂安·维埃里:我甚至不敢提冠军这个词。
Christian and Muslim doctrines are very different. 基督教教义和穆斯林教义极为不同。
Christian churches do not get much media exposure so society as a whole sees Christianity negatively. 在公共媒体上,基督教会反而得不到曝光的机会,因为整体而言,社会对基督教仍然带著非常负面的观感。

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