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A review with 27 references, introducing the variety, ch aracte ristics and pathogen of Transmissible Spengiform Encephalopathy (TSE), and the S ympotom of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and it′s infectious pathways,summarizing relations between B

A review with 11 references is given on the establishing principle and method of normal reference value of elements in human hair and blood including the definition, determination, expression, transference, and significance of reference value. 摘要从参考值的定义、确定、表述、移植,及其意义等五个方面介绍了人体头发和血液微量元素正常参考值的确定原则及方法,重点介绍了可供实际操作的测定值统计法(复杂统计处理法)和文献值移植法(近似参数处理法)。
A review with 15 references is given on the analytical methods of lithium including gravimetric analysis, photometric and atomic spectrometry, and chromatographic and mass spectrometry, with emphases on the error of various methods, and the possible appro 摘要总结了国内外关于测定锂元素的分析方法,内容主要包括质量分析法、光谱分析法和波谱分析法,并侧重分析了各种方法的优缺点,指出了提高锂分析结果精度的可能途径。
A review with 15 references is given on the generality of nickel element including the discovery, sourse and characties of nickel and the effects of nickel element on health. 摘要阐述了镍的基本概况,包括镍的发现史、来源及性质,镍对人体健康的影响,科学补镍和防止镍中毒的方法。
A review with 21 references on development and applications of calix crown ethers are described. 摘要综述了杯芳冠醚的産生、发展及应用研究的新进展,展望了它的工业应用前景。
A review with 24 references is given on the research results of relations between low selenium and cervical cancer and other factors in recent years, which would provide information for disclosing the geo-epidemiological characters, physiological, biochem 近年来低硒与宫颈癌的关系及其相关因素的研究,为揭示宫颈癌的地理流行病学特征、生理生化改变及其致癌机理和防治研究提供了信息。
A review with 27 references, introducing the variety, ch aracte ristics and pathogen of Transmissible Spengiform Encephalopathy (TSE), and the S ympotom of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and it′s infectious pathways,summarizing relations between B 介绍了传染性海绵状脑病的种类、特点和病原体,以及牛海绵状脑病(BSE)的病征及感染途径,并根据大量实验研究结果对牛海绵状脑病与人海绵状脑病之间的关系进行了综述。
A review with 32 references is given on the present research situation of new products, extraction, purification and modification of the natural poly-functional edible pigment. Its developing trend also analysed. 摘要介绍了天然多功能食用色素的新品种、制备方法、纯化方法和改性研究的进展,并分析了天然多功能食用色素的发展趋势。
A review with 37 references is given on the recent progress of selenium species analysis with emphases to the methods of separation and examination technology, e. g, chromatography, the hydride genetic method, inductive coupling plasma mass spectrum, the 摘要对近年来有关硒的形态分析的发展作了综述,对新的分离方法如色谱法、氢化物发生法、毛细管电泳和新的检测技术如电感藕合等离子体质谱、原子光谱给予较多的关注。
A review with 38 re ferences is given on the research advance of toxicology of cadmium including the toxicological effects and toxigenicity mechanism of the cadmium to different apparatus and tissue. 综述了镉毒性毒理学研究进展,包括:镉对生殖、骨骼、肾脏、神经等系统或组织的毒性和致毒机理研究。
A review with 39 references is given on study and development including chemical constituents, pharmacology, mensurations of the effective components and clinic application of Sophora japonica, etc. 就槐花的化学成分、药理作用、有效成分的测定方法和临床应用等多方面进行了综述。
A review with 44 references is given on recent development of heterocyclic azo compounds' application in spectrophotometric analysis of copper, zinc, and iron in biological sample including three kinds of heterocyclic azo compounds: pyridylazo compound, i 摘要综述了近年来应用偶氮类显色剂测定生物样品中铜、锌、铁的光度分析发展状况,从吡啶偶氮类试剂、咪唑偶氮类试剂以及三氮唑偶氮类试剂加以归纳,引用文献44篇。

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