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After placing all “Room” data in the floor plan, click “Color Scheme Legend”.

After performing the shorts and opens test, the in-circuit tester tests each component on a PCB assembly one at a time. 在线测试完成的第一项测试任务就是短路、开路测试。
After performing these steps, you'll find that the chart updates automatically when you add new data to the worksheet. . 经过这些步骤,你将发现当你在工作表中添加新数据时图表会自动更新。
After picking End mainly dry mainly peanut sales. 主要是采摘完晾干后销售干花生为主。
After piping has been properly connected to the water heater, open the nearest hot water faucet and allow the tank to completely fill with water. 管线正确连接到热水器后,打开最近的热水水龙头,让水完全注满热水器内胆。
After pitching the tent and rolling out the sleeping bags, they decide to turn in. 搭起帐篷铺好睡袋后,他们决定睡觉。
After placing all “Room” data in the floor plan, click “Color Scheme Legend”. 作好房间定义之后,在设计列上点选「房间与面积」「色彩计画图例」。
After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on. 在一张桌子上摆了许多日常用品之后,他请全班同学给他挑出尺子,书本,钢笔等。
After placing the subject matter in escrow, the obligor shall timely notify the obligee or his heir or guardian, except where the obligee cannot be located. 第一百零二条标的物提存后,除债权人下落不明的以外,债务人应当及时通知债权人或者债权人的继承人、监护人。
After playing all afternoon, we were so hungry that we eat up all the cookies in the house. 玩了一整个下午,我们饿得把家里所有的饼乾吃完。
After playing chess, we watched TV. 下完象棋之后,我们看电视。
After playing the game with full denying in affect on both sides, I honestly cannot fathom anyone enjoying this aspect of the game, or at least admitting it's anything but harmful to the health of the game's vision. 当玩过两边都只是在反补的游戏后,我诚实的说我无法了解会有任何人享受这样的游戏,或至少承认这对于游戏的未来是伤害巨大的.

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