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Analysis of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating the myometrium invasion of endometrial carcinoma;

Study of the Collagen Extracted Using Alcohol from the Deer Antler; 醇提法制备鹿茸胶原的初步研究
The physical principle of magnetic resonance imaging; 磁共振成像技术的物理学原理
The research of the clinical application of MRI to obstetrics; 磁共振成像在产科临床的应用研究
Application Technology of MR Imaging in Checking Ankle Articulation; 磁共振成像在踝关节检查中的应用技术
Application of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis and treatment of pelvic neoplasms; 磁共振成像在盆腔肿瘤诊治中的应用
Analysis of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating the myometrium invasion of endometrial carcinoma; 磁共振成像诊断子宫内膜癌肌层浸润深度
The Analysis about MR Show the Responsible Focus of Cerebral Infarction; 磁共振对脑梗死责任病灶的显示情况分析
The Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Urinary Tract Imaging to Upper Urinary Obstruction; 磁共振尿路成像对上尿路梗阻的诊断价值
Estrogen inhibition on the expression of amyloid precursor protein C-terminal in ovariectomized female rat hippocampus and cortex; 雌激素抑制淀粉样蛋白前体羧基端片段在雌性去势大鼠海马和脑皮质的表达
Although it has lost personalism,"sky" still has strong telesis and moral authorization,which embodies the Laozi s thought and forms his idealism value system with "sky" as its core. 此观点有一定道理,但综观今本《老子》,老子的这种价值倾向并没有得到彻底贯彻,“天”在老子那里虽然已不具有人格性,但“天”的运行仍具有很强的目的性,仍有道德的权威性,这体现着老子的理想,形成了以“天”为核心的理想主义价值系统。
Analysis of literature on systematic review cited in SCIE: development of EBM; 从SCIE版收录的系统评价看循证医学的发展

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