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Hiht manganese steel casting is a traditional product line in our factory, the main products are jaw plate, back block, plate hammer, dipper teeth, hammer, crushing wall screen mesh, elbows in concrete pumping track, etc.

Highwayman: Haven't you seen enough out there? I'd be happy staying behind a desk all day. 拦路强盗:你看够了没有啊?我很乐意整天坐在桌子后面。
Highways across eastern Texas are jammed with motorists Thursday trying to move away from the state's Gulf coast before the storm makes landfall. 德州东部的公路星期四挤满了试图在飓风袭来之前撤离这一地区的车辆。
Highways are wide roads, often divided in the middle by a low fence, with two lanes going in each direction. 公路通常很宽阔,中间隔有矮栏,一般每个方向都有两条并行的车道。
Highways may also be constructed by civilian workers, community funds raised by society with government subsidies, and pay workers in a disaster area as a form of relief to them. 公路建设还可以采取民建勤、民办公助和以工代赈的办法。
Highways or public transportation, which should be given preferential financing? 公路与公共交通哪个应获得优先资助?
Hiht manganese steel casting is a traditional product line in our factory, the main products are jaw plate, back block, plate hammer, dipper teeth, hammer, crushing wall screen mesh, elbows in concrete pumping track, etc. 高锰钢铸件是我厂的传统产品,产品主要有颚板、衬板、板锤、斗齿、锤头、破碎壁、筛网板、混泥土泵车中的弯管等。
Hijack ing is a form of blackmail. 劫持是敲诈的一种形式。
Hikaru Sulu proted to captain of the Starship Excelsior. 苏鲁擢升为星舰「精益号」的舰长。
Hike a mile with a backpack full of cold fried chicken and biscuits. 背一大包油煎鸡块和饼干步行一英里。
Hike up one's socks 猛地把袜子向上一拉。
Hike up your pants, you look untidy. 把你的裤子提上点,你这样子太邋遢了。

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