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I've been quite satisfied with the hotels I've used as lodging before in these cites.

I've been out of action for several weeks with a broken leg. 我的腿折了, 已经几个星期没工作了.
I've been playing football for a long time! 我踢球的时间可不短了!
I've been playing the flute but there's no sign of them anywhere. 我一直在吹笛子,但是他们连影子都没有。
I've been putting it off for weeks. 我都拖了好几个星期了。
I've been quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother, Colin. 我最近一直很忙,忙着和我哥哥科林做假期计划。
I've been quite satisfied with the hotels I've used as lodging before in these cites. 我对以前到这些城市时所住过的酒店都很满意。
I've been racking my brains (trying) to remember his name. 我一直在回想他的名字.
I've been racking my brains trying to remember his name. 我一直绞劲脑汁地回忆他的名字.
I've been rather unwell recently. 最近我不大舒服.
I've been recast as Brutus. 我改演布鲁特斯一角.
I've been saddled with the job of organizing the conference. 组织会议这件倒霉事交给我了.

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